Today expanded and contracted over us like it knew why we treaded its ground.

We unfolded out of that turquoise bus that held the whole lot of us. The lot of hearts filled fresh with yeses. A thousand questions met with a thousand yeses that brought us all right here.
And I think about what Bob Goff wrote,
“I used to think you had to be special for God to use you, but now I know you simply need to say yes.”
I think about my beating full life and all the yeses it holds. 30 years of small yeses and hurried yeses. 30 years of heartbreaking, “Can I take that back?” yeses. And big, life changing yeses.
Some yeses weren’t worth the small wisp of my breath. But some of them, some of my yeses, they changed a life.
Changed my life.
Coming on this trip was a big yes. It was a yes born from wonder that somewhere along the way morphed into fear. And then, that yes was rescued and redeemed by the only One who could have called me.
So I stood up on that turquoise bus and I thanked our bloggers for their yeses.

Thanked them for their enthusiastic yes. Their worn through yes. Their, “Are you sure? Me?!” yes.
We climbed out of a bus and into hearts.

And into songs.

You don’t see a child’s smile like this and not feel that this yes is changing lives.

Or hold a hand so tight you wonder why you held onto anything else at all. The praise of man. The possessions. The slow no because you felt like you weren’t the right or special yes.
But, I think Bob was right. I think he said it best, “I used to think you had to be special for God to use you, but now I know you simply need to say yes.”
Yes changes lives. Yes can change a child’s life forever. Yes can change eternity.
If you sponsor a child with Compassion, I hope you know it’s not small.
When did you first say yes to a child in poverty?! Do you remember? I hope you celebrate that day. I’d love for you to share that moment in the comments.
If you haven’t said yes, will you? And know that it’s not small. Even if you feel small or insignificant or everything but special, your yes throws all of that to the wind.
Lisa Leonard created an incredible necklace, exclusive to Compassion. When you say yes to a child in poverty, you’ll get this necklace as a gift.

Brianne also shares this post with a twist over at Our Savory Life. Be sure to check it out!
If you are a Compassion Blogger we hope you’ll blog alongside us and promote the Dominican Republic Blog Trip! Link-up with us here by sharing your post with the Linky code below. (Not a Compassion Blogger? You can sign up and join the network today!)
9 Comments |Add a comment
The first “yes” changed my life. Since then, there have been many “yesses” exchanged in our letters as answers to questions. The one I love most is, “Yes, I love you and I like being your friend, and of course I will pray for you!” Can it get much better than that???
I first said yes on December 13th 2014. I was fifteen, and he was five. It’s been a whole year now! I pray for him everyday and LOVE getting his letters (and sending him letters). I had been wanting to sponsor a child since I was about thirteen. But, I didn’t have any income, so I couldn’t afford it. So I got a job and saved up. I have been mowing the grass in my yard and also cut my neighbor’s lawn for the last 2 years. It’s all worth it! All the money I’ve earned goes into my Fund for Hamidou. I’m humbled to be able to serve Hamidou and his family. I love him like a little brother and hope that he grows physically and spiritually in the Lord.
Wow, you’re amazing Karen! It’s so humbling and encouraging to me to hear your story and how God has provided and moved in and through you. You’re such a blessing and we’re honored to partner with you in ministry to Hamidou!
Thank you for all the time you spend on this blog! you’re amazing!
And as for Hamidou, sponsoring him is the least I can do. I wish I could do more hands on projects but except for maybe being like a missionary I don’t know how I can.
I hope you had a blessed Christmas!
I first said yes on December 7th, 2014. I had felt a call to this sort of ministry since I was approximately 11 or 12, but had no source of income (I mean what 12 year old does?) so I started saving my money that I received from birthdays, Christmas, small jobs, etc. until I got to the age in which I could babysit. I started babysitting around the age of 14 and from there I began gaining more ground in my savings. It was hard going as I still had to buy things such as dance wear items (tights, leotards, shoes, etc.), gifts for birthdays, etc., but last year, a few months after my 15th birthday, after having diligently saved for a little over 2 years, I decided that I could swing it. I went onto the site and began looking for that child that just called my name, and I found him. Sadly, I felt about 40 other children calling my name as well, but I had to pick. So I finally began my sponsorship of my little Timotius from Indonesia. The date on which I first began my sponsorship is coming up soon, and I am so so happy that I made that decision. It isn’t always easy sponsoring on the money that I get from babysitting jobs, but God is watching over me. Since then I have been able to participate in Compassion Sunday, Speak up for one, volunteer with Compassion at a concert, and participate in Compassion’s Step up. Now just recently I have said yes to being a correspondent to little Eunice in Kenya, and my heart is filled with joy all over again. Every time that I get the mail and I see that cream envelope that indicates that one of them has written, my whole day is made 100x better. I cannot thank The Lord enough for giving me the opportunity to be part of this fantastic ministry.
I’m so humbled by your post, Schuyler! Thank you for your selflessness and passion for helping children. Your story is inspiring and I admire your dedication to raise enough funds to support a child. You’re going to be an incredible sponsor and such a blessing to Timotius! I’m excited for you to get to know him and I know he’ll be thrilled to know he now has a loving sponsor to build a relationship with. Let us know if we can ever help you in any way! God bless :).
The first time I said yes to being a sponsor was just a few weeks before last Christmas. I felt compelled to check out the Compassion website. For years, I had always wanted to, but finances just weren’t at the point where we could. And then I had forgotten all about it until a friend of mine started talking about Compassion (she and her husband are advocates and sponsor 3 kids). I was immediately drawn in to these kids’ lives just by their pictures.
It took me nearly a week to decide which child–I had a list of almost 20 at one point and I prayed continually until I decided on the one little girl that always kept popping up in my mind. We have sponsored 2 other little girls since then (only 2 months ago) and I have also felt the calling to be a child advocate as well as write to other children through the correspondence program. It really has transformed my life in just that short amount of time. I am always thinking and praying for the kids and their families. I only hope that I am able to be a blessing in their lives and that God will use me and my family to help them find hope.
The first time I said yes to a child…
I had to say no so many times first. Every time a face and a name or story appeared in Compassion’s blog, it hurt to say no. I was trying to be wise – to save enough so I could be sure I wouldn’t let the child down – but as a student with no steady income, it was taking a long time. I had learned to say no to smaller things – restaurants or movies, new textbooks, etc., but saying no to every child that passed through Compassion’s website was so much more difficult!
One day, in September, as school was just picking up again, another name and face appeared. As usual, it was hard to look past her, especially as she had been waiting over 400 days – almost as long as I had! I began my usual routine of praying that a sponsor would be found for her when I stopped. Why not her, Lord? I had enough for now, didn’t I? If I said yes now, with a year’s support raised, would You take care of next year?
So I said yes. I hope one day she knows how much joy it brought me to say that simple word.
Wow, Rose! Thank you so much for sharing your story with us! God is so faithful and it’s so inspiring your patience, wisdom, and obedience to Him and waiting for His timing. We are so blessed by your heart and I just know you’re going to be an incredible sponsor for this sweet girl!