Heroes Wanted

Poverty is a relentless enemy. It attacks the body. It attacks the mind. It attacks the spirit. It tells children in poverty, “God doesn’t care. You deserve this.”

But your voice sends a different message.

You can also view this sponsor a child video in YouTube.

Sponsor a child in Jesus’ name with Compassion International

15 Comments |Add a comment

  1. Michael A. Lesso September 19, 2010

    Even after giving our Sponsorship #, I’m Not able to log in. What kind of outfit is this . Take our money and run. Either Improve your web site for sign in or get off the web.

    Michael A.Lesso

    1. Sarah Flood September 24, 2010

      I’ve never had a problem. I second that; call the 800 number. They’re extremely helpful.

    2. Shaina September 20, 2010

      I’m so sorry you weren’t able to log in to your account. Please contact us at (800) 336-7676. We would be happy to resolve any issues you are having with logging in to your account on our website.

  2. Brandy September 19, 2010

    Hello everyone! Just wanted to quickly chime on in the “she” pronoun being used here. I actually wrote the script for this video, and honestly, as a writer I have to pick a pronoun, so the subject/verb agrees. What a boring, practical reason, huh?! But I do try to alternate the “he” and “she” pronouns.

    Just wanted to clear that up!

  3. Lisa September 18, 2010

    Love the video. Giving you a #SubscribeSunday tomorrow afternoon on Twitter because I don’t believe we can say too much about these little ones. My Veronica in Kenya is worth it, and I want to see more people pick more kids.

  4. Shawn September 18, 2010

    Actually, ‘she’ is more likely to be in poverty.

    In the US, women are 35% more likely to be poor than men. Single mothers being a factor.

    On the flipside though, women file 2 out of 3 divorce papers.

  5. Clint September 18, 2010

    I think the words of Jesus need to be spoken here to those of you nit pickers. Matthew 23:24 “You blind guides! You strain out a gnat and swallow a camel.” The point here is poverty and the children trapped in it. When one is bashed over the head again, and again, and again, and again. When one only sees black, they think that there is no hope and HOPE is what the gospel is all about. I think the blind beggar had it right when questioned by the Pharisees who it was that healed him and whether he believed this man to be a prophet, he said I don’t know who he is or whether he is a prophet, all I know is that I was blind and now I see! Those trapped in poverty don’t care whether Compassion uses she or he or what one thinks is Biblical or not. All they care about is whether or not there is hope out there! None of us knows anything about suffering, but they do.

    1. Sarah Flood September 19, 2010

      Thank you! That’s sort of what I was trying to say, but you said it better. And children don’t deserve poverty any more than a woman who is raped deserves that. It IS an injustice. God calls us to do justice to the poor… and by that he certainly doesn’t mean leave them there. He means for us to help them. Yes, we all deserve death and hell; yes, suffering is never an accident, and certainly these kids learn tremendous lessons through it; however, they need to understand that they are not suffering because they deserve it, the same way that the blind man needed to understand that he wasn’t blind because he or his parents sinned. It was important because he may have been going through life beating himself up, wondering what he did to cause his blindness, and in the same way many kids in poverty do the same. That’s the whole point of saying they don’t deserve it; all of us are valuable in God’s eyes, because he thought we were worth coming down here to suffer and die. It’s not our own merit that we’ve achieved, it’s the value he has ascribed to us. These kids are precious in God’s sight. Many, however, believe they are worthless and deserving of suffering, little more than human garbage. But they are precious, special, and they DO deserve to know that.

      And that’s the whole point of the video. I agree, quit nit-picking. That’s not the point at all. We could hash out the finer points of the video forever, but while that’s being done, kids are starving to death. And Clint, you’re right; they don’t care. They just want somebody to care enough about them to save them.

  6. Carrie September 18, 2010

    Is the message “you don’t deserve this” really Biblical? Don’t we who profess to be Christians believe that “all have sinned” (Rom 3:23) and that “the wages of sin is death” (Rom 6:23)? How can a sinner deserve death, but not deserve suffering? Remember what our Lord said about suffering: “Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans because they suffered this way? I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish” (Luke 13:2-3) ie, witnessing suffering in someone else should remind us of what we ALL deserve. If we forget this, there is no gospel. We will have lost the most important thing that we can share with these children: The hope of reconciliation to God, through His MERCY alone. For those of us who have been reconciled to God, children as well as adults, suffering is the means God uses to make us holy (Heb 12:6-11, 1 Pet 1:7), and is not an accident or injustice. It may not be easy to communicate this to your sponsored child, but no other message is true and no other message can give you peace in the midst of troubles.

    1. Teresa September 20, 2010

      So children who are born into privilege “deserve” that?

      This comment has so angered me it’s hard to find words. To let a child believe they “deserve” the abject poverty and desperation they encounter daily is reprehensible. If you live in the US, you more than likely have access to clean water, do not fight malaria or parasites, and have access to food banks and organizations that are willing to assist if you are struggling financially. These children do not have these options. I doubt most reading this will ever experience the level of suffering these children endure. There is no excuse to ever let them believe they “deserve” the conditions in which they live.

  7. Clint September 18, 2010

    I have used that saying in my email signatures. “Be a hero. Sponsor a child today.” Then it has the link for Compassion. I am glad to see this. I think it would be powerful if Compassion were able to use Skillet’s song hero as a song to one of their clips. Thanks for posting this.

  8. James September 17, 2010

    There are many new people finding this site everyday, thanks for the video. My only wonder is why only say “she” poverty does not treat the male and the females differently. I may have missed it, but in my distracted life, all I saw was about the the she. Still a great video though.

    1. Sarah Flood September 18, 2010

      This is an awesome video. I can’t wait to use it.

      I’ve noticed, too, James, that several of Compassion’s videos use “she” quite a bit. I suppose it doesn’t really bother me for the most part. They have to use some sort of pronoun, though perhaps in the interest of evening things out, they could alternate a bit. I’m curious, though, if it would bother you if they exclusively used “he” in the video?

  9. Michael & Carole Lesso September 17, 2010

    We have recently and joyfuly have sponsored a child.
    I don’t want to recieve Commerical after the fact.
    Thank You, Michael

  10. Teresa September 17, 2010

    Very powerful. I hope alot of churches use this!

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