Ministry Highlight: Rwanda

Rwandan children in classroom

We began our ministry in Rwanda in 1980 with the Child Sponsorship Program. In 2008, we started the Leadership Development Program, and the Child Survival Program followed in 2010.

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Ministry Highlight: Dominican Republic

hand drawn Dominican flag

We began our ministry in the Dominican Republic in 1970 as a relief program donating food, medicine and money for children selected by the local churches. In 1994, we started our Child Sponsorship Program.

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Tanzanian children in classroom

Ministry Highlight: Tanzania

In just over 11 years, Compassion Tanzania now works with 236 Implementing Church Partners in 12 regions of the country. We have been growing at an average of 30 percent per year and currently serve almost 64,000 children.

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Ethiopian children in classroom

Ministry Highlight: Ethiopia

In 1993 we began our ministry in Ethiopia with the Child Sponsorship Program. In 2004 we started the Leadership Development Program and in 2006 the Child Survival Program.

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Filipino children in classroom

Ministry Highlight: Philippines

We began our ministry in the Philippines in 1972 with the Child Sponsorship Program. In 1996, we started the Leadership Development Program and in 2005, the Child Survival Program.

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mountain in Guatemala

Ministry Highlight: Guatemala

We began our ministry in Guatemala in 1976 as a family help program run by missionaries. The Child Sponsorship Program started in 1980, and the Leadership Development Program began in 1997.

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good harvest

Investing in a Good Harvest

Despite Martin’s hard work and a good harvest, he remained unable to provide adequately for his family. With nearly every harvest he would lose all of his profit to the market money lenders from whom he buys his seeds and equipment.

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Ministry Highlight: Ghana

Compassion began its ministry in Ghana in 2005 with when the Child Sponsorship Program. Since then we have registered 25,000 children.

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two brothers sitting at school desk

Why are Some Children Considered Highly Vulnerable and Others Aren’t?

The process of identifying highly vulnerable children starts by observing them among their peers. Then home visits and discussions with the child’s parents help the center workers learn more details about the child’s living conditions.This procedure determines whether there is a need to provide help to the caregivers in addition to the support their children already receive from the development center.

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man standing in Honduran classroom

Undercover With Compassion

I have been feeling challenged lately to get closer to the heart of Compassion, where we interact with sponsors, churches and children. I recently read a quote from a top executive of a large retail chain (I can’t remember which one — maybe Best Buy). He said, “I have never wasted a day visiting a store.” So, I arranged a trip to Honduras where I spent six days at two different child development centers in the central zone of the country … the Honduras Country Office did a marvelous job of setting this trip up so that I could be a regular guy without any fanfare or protocol.

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older girl smiling for camera

Who Are the Highly Vulnerable Children We Serve?

Destu and her brother lost their parents and were left under the care of their aunt, who was also a prostitute. Destu assumed the responsibility of raising her brother and managing the house since their aunt was never at home to care for them.

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boy staring at camera

Confessing to Something That Probably Means I’m Human

The poverty in my life is emotional and spiritual. The poverty in the lives of the kids you sponsor and the kids we’re meeting here in Kenya is that and more.

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