He Became Poor

an image of a nativity scene

Dignity is still so important, even in such dire conditions.

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Living in Lima: Visiting Merly Anai

living in lima

Tomasa brought her family to Lima, leaving their house and farmland behind. She is glad her daughters are encouraged to dream about the future from their new home.

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homes in a city in a developing nation

A Pear and a Prayer

Tears poured down Cesar’s face. He was ready to give up. You could feel it in every fiber of his being.

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two girls carrying bucket to rain barrel

Catching the Rain

Compassion Blogger, Faith, Life and Compassion won third place during Blog Month by writing from the perspective of a child living in extreme poverty.

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nathan tasker

Hope is a Four Letter Word

On his arrival to the student center, one six-year-old boy had a packet of cigarettes in his top shirt pocket. He drank and smoked, usually receiving alcohol and cigarettes from the men of the village who he would hang around with.

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interior of unfinished home in Ghana

A Squatter’s Home

What would it be like to live in a house that was at constant risk of being taken from you — not just for a few weeks, but week after week, year after year? Squatters in Ghana, including many sponsored children and their families, deal with this reality daily.

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Baby laying in bed

New to Mexico: The Child Survival Program

Now that the Child Survival Program is a reality in Mexico, things have started to change. Today, Mexico rejoices to have this program, but everyone is also very aware of the difficult situations mothers and young children face as they struggle to survive.

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From Recipients to Contributors

He teaches us to humble ourselves and remember that it is not about us. It is all about Him.

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