Would Jesus Sponsor a Child in Poverty?

building with metal siding at water's edge

I know the verses in the Bible about helping the needy and giving to the poor. But is sponsorship the way to accomplish this?

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Are We Worth Your Trust and Money?

chart on wall

Does the money you donate to Compassion produce a good return on investment? Do we maximize the impact of your generosity?

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Shaun Groves with group of Filipino children

Experience the Beauty of the Philippines

As you know the Compassion Bloggers were in the Philippines earlier this month getting introduced to our ministry in very personal way. Here’s a little of what it what was like for them.

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homes along the water

Where Does Poverty Live?

What I found while I was in the Philippines were communities of children living in poverty but not allowing poverty to live inside them. I think it’s because they are also focusing on the One.

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Young girl looking up into the camera.

Challenging the Mindset of a Child in Poverty

Children are given the freedom to start dreaming. They are told they have hope for a future, one that doesn’t have to be controlled by poverty.

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