Don’t Hide Special Needs Children From the World

Erick is a very special child who enjoys participating in every activity at the San Pablo Apostol Student Center. There are some things he can do and others that are are more complicated for him, but nothing keeps him from trying.
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The home of Jorge and Richard wasn’t safe. Their father, in particular, was very abusive, and the cigarette burn marks on the faces of the boys were the horrific evidence of that.
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Acknowledge Him in all Your Ways
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.

Living in Lima: Visiting Merly Anai
Tomasa brought her family to Lima, leaving their house and farmland behind. She is glad her daughters are encouraged to dream about the future from their new home.

What Does Peru Look Like?
In case you missed it, we’ve captured Peru for you in photo, word and video. And it case you wanted to see it, we’d like to show you what Peru looks like.

What Distinguishes a Child as Highly Vulnerable?
Highly vulnerable children are considered at greater risk compared to their peers in our Child Sponsorship Program. The Highly Vulnerable Children’s Fund steps in when there is a need cannot be covered by monthly sponsorship funds.

Change Someone’s Everything
October was going to be a normal month with planned dinner dates and errand running and church on Sundays…but one evening, one thing changed, and it changed everything. That one thing was a death.

Hope in the Darkness
What do you go to in that moment when a bad day turns into the worst day? Brianne thought she knew the answer to that question for Marco.

Silent Heroes
Silent heroes don’t show off or stand out, and almost never appear in pictures or headlines. These are the genuine heroes, the ones whose hard work makes things happen in the lives of children.

From Sponsored Child to Bolivian Cabinet Member
Who would have imagined a boy from a small, agricultural community in southern Cochabamba would become an important member of the Bolivian president’s Cabinet?

“The Bee That Thought Things Over”
“La Abeja que Recapacitó” or, “The Bee That Thought Things Over” by Carlos Carrera is a fable from Ecuador. How is this fable like the ones you heard growing up?

Finding Hope in Forgotten Places
There are places so poor and forgotten — children of all ages without prospects and without hope of a better life, or at least a different one — that it would bring an ache to your heart.