5 Reasons Why Children Are the Heart of Compassion

There are a lot of ways to fight poverty and share the love of Jesus. At Compassion, we focus on children. They are the heart of everything we do. Here are five reasons why.

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9 Photos of the World’s Most Popular Sport

This summer, millions of people across the world will crowd around television sets to watch the Olympic Games. They will watch swimming, track, cycling and gymnastics. They will cheer on their respective countries in baseball, boxing, surfing, volleyball and table tennis. But no doubt, some of the most viewed and highly anticipated competitions will be in the world’s most popular sport: soccer.

Soccer has an estimated global following of 4 billion people, a number that is nearly double the second most popular sport of cricket (with a 2.5 billion estimated following). So why is soccer so popular?

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Boy wearing a blue shirt with white collar and the background is a blue wall of the kitchen’s front.

Kids Around the World: My Favorite Foods

Food! It’s part of our daily life and directly impacts our quality of life. What we eat says a lot about our culture too. So we thought we’d ask some children who attend Compassion child development centers: “What are your favorite foods to eat?” Here’s what they had to share.

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Four boys sitting in a green field. One is playing a small stringed instrument while the others smile and laugh.

Jakarta, Indonesia: 9 Photos From One of the World’s Most Populous Cities

Indonesia is the fourth-most populous country in the world, with over 275 million people. The Indonesian archipelago consists of over 17,000 islands — but of primary political, social and economic importance to the country is the island of Java. It is home to more than half of Indonesia’s population and is one of the most densely populated places on earth.

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A woman wearing a pink shirt and a young boy in a black shirt smile as they hold up a cake reading

How Do You Make Your Sponsored Child Part of Your Daily Life?

Many of the children in our program think about their sponsor as an extension of their family. Maybe you feel the same way about the child you sponsor. You know you want to pray for him or her daily and write letters often. And through those actions and your financial gifts, you’ll no doubt make a powerful impact on your sponsored child’s life. But … you feel the need to do more. You want to incorporate your sponsored child into your daily life as much as possible. The question is: How?

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A group of children are standing against a wall in their neighborhood.

Why Do I Choose to Sponsor a Child? It’s Personal.

Like most families with young children, my husband and I don’t have a ton of disposable income. There are always diapers to buy, groceries to replace or the unexpected medical bill or home repair to cover. So with the little money we do have at our discretion, we make sure to use it wisely. Intentionally.

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Suchat, a boy in Thailand, smiles and holds his hands in prayer. He is wearing a white collared shirt. A rural home and plants are seen behind him

6 Weekly Prayers for Children in Poverty This Lent

For the next 40 days (plus Sundays), Christians around the world will recognize the season of Lent. Please enjoy this mini Lent prayer guide that includes a portion of Scripture, thought and prayer for each week over the next six weeks. Also, because we know that you’re busy and juggling multiple priorities, we’ve included a set of prayer reminder cards!

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Abo (left, standing) is pushing Kanyaporn (right) on an Akha traditional celebration swing. They are wearing their traditional clothing and there are trees in the background.

How Local Churches Help Celebrate Local Traditions

Compassion works exclusively with local churches — and for good reason. We believe no global entity is more capable, caring and called to act on behalf of children in poverty than the Church. On top of this, local churches are often also at the center of festivals and local traditions that are crucial to the fabric of the unique culture in which they exist. So … let’s take a glimpse into how local churches around the world go above and beyond to make registered children feel loved, appreciated and protected.

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Four children in matching button-up shirts with brightly colored geoemetric patterns are playing a game where they walk on halved coconut shells, which are attached to ropes that they are holding with their hands.

Kids Around the World: Games Children Play in Asia

Games are an important part of Compassion’s holistic child development model. They encourage children to have fun and be active, as well as teach life skills like teamwork, communication, self-confidence, and respect. The games children play at Compassion child development centers across Asia vary from country to country. So let’s look at a few of them.

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Débora is wearing a yellow shirt with a black pattern on it and a blue jacket. She is also wearing a red and black face mask. She is hugging a bag of beans outside her house.

Celebrate Giving Tuesday With COVID-19 Recovery

What better way to celebrate Giving Tuesday than with a gift to help families in poverty recover and rebuild? Compassion’s Gift Catalog is full of unique ways to make a big impact in the lives of children and their families. New this year are gifts specifically designed to help families impacted by COVID-19. Here are just a few of the gifts you can give this Giving Tuesday to help families overcome the devastating economic hardships caused by the pandemic.

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Carol is wearing a maroon sweater and plaid skirt. She is standing outside the Compassion center. There is a blue door and a mural painted on the wall behind her.

5 Biblical Truths to Share With the Child You Sponsor

We all struggle to separate truths from untruths, especially these days.

Children living in poverty are surrounded by untruths too — lies told them by their circumstances of poverty. So when you write to your sponsored child, look for ways to incorporate biblical truths into your letters. Here are five ideas to get you started.

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