our hope for the children in our program, our hope for tomorrow and our hope to end extreme poverty.
They are tangible proof that the cycle of poverty can be broken…one empowered youth at a time.
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11 Comments |Add a comment
I didn’t know the diversity of help given to so many children. I have tears just reading about all the success of children who could never have achieved this without the sponsors. I’ve been a sponsor for at least 35 years and wish I could have followed all of my “children”. Well, God knows where they are and how they’re doing so that’s wonderful!
We are incredibly grateful to have sponsors like you, Gloria, partnered with our ministry! For the past 35 years, your impact on these incredible children has been paramount. We are so honored to share just some of the success stories from our Compassion Alumni! God certainly does know how all of your precious kiddos are doing! ?
My husband and I have been supporting Compassion Kids for over 20 years. These stories of success truly gladden our hearts. God is so faithful to His children!
Pam and Larry, we are so blessed by your partnership for the past two decades! God is so faithful, and we are so grateful to share all these incredible success stories! We could not do this incredible work without you! ?
Marvelous thanks to you amazing sponsors.
Lots more not-featured success stories from Compassion. who would except someone that started with no decent sleeping place, no shoes, no enough food living one day at time with a single mom until compassion came in to be my other family and now for the glory of God I have finished three degree and pursuing a Ph.D. now. what more testimonies of God’s faithfulness would I need?. Bless you all the global sponsors.
A wonderful summary of individuals whose lives have been dramatically changed because of Compassion Int.! I pray that God will introduce many to your program and motivate them to sponsor those in great need. May His presence provide wisdom, discernment, encouragement, protection, sensitivity to God’s Spirit and GREAT JOY as you touch lives for His kingdom!
To God be the glory!
What life changing stories!, they bring smiles to the heart.
Oh, Wow! I sponsored a young Thai girl named May. It may be a common name there, but I wonder if the May above could be her? She was so bright and cheerful and loved to dance! She moved away and I never knew where she went or what became of her. I would love to think this was “our” May. 🙂
This is excellent.God will reward people according to their conduct,am sure you will be richly rewarded with a great crown of heavens for your works are good.
Glory to God!!! Indeed He changes lives 🙂