small child sleeping on mat

Worn Out

Engage in Elijah’s story. Take care of yourself. Eat, rest, regain your reserves.

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a boy wearing a spider man shirt holding a book

Superheroes and Boundaries

Why did God rest? Why did He create that boundary if He is an infinite God?

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close up of woman holding two babies

Family Planning in the Developing World

Women around the world face obstacles that most of us can hardly begin to fathom. Lack of access to family planning leaves mothers in developing countries with no easy way to control the size of their families, and in the end, robs both the mother and her children of a better life.

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Jeff Wood with group of children

Made for a Purpose

God has made each of us in a particular way with strengths and abilities that we are to use to serve Him. He also has a specific set of responsibilities for us to accomplish with these gifts.

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Moved by God, Moved by Mission

Jonathan’s armor bearer shows us that he is ready to follow his leader, not out of fear, but because he captured the vision of his leader and owned the mission.

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large groups of adults outside a building

God Chooses Us to Serve

If God were to hatch a plan to save millions of children and release them from poverty, to bring them life, would He choose people like us to do it?

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two young boys and toddler eating from dish

Unlimited Love

God has given limits to everything except to His love. He so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son to save mankind. This kind of love is boundless.

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The One Who Sees

We help both sponsor and child connect to something very deep, very real, inside their hearts. It creates community and relationship where there was a void.

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holding hands

Never Forgotten

One of the great things about our ministry is that God allows us to speak truth into the lives of children who believe they have been forgotten.

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man holding girl on his lap

Why I Do Something Good

Life went from very easy to incredibly hard for I Won’t Watch founder E. J. Swanson. He has known what it’s like to live with and to live without.

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Brothers in Arms

The connection of real family breaks down all barriers and bridges, brings different cultures together, and makes life more meaningful.

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Young girl smiling holding a letter with a drawing

Touching Hearts

The apostle Paul was filled with great love for the Thessalonian church. What if every sponsor was filled with that kind of love for the children they sponsor?

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