What’s a Little Chaos on a Compassion Sunday?
Beverly was not letting a few inconveniences get in the way of children being sponsored. After all, her toilet may have been temporarily out of order, but most of the children she was hoping to get sponsors for don’t even have a toilet.

Bizzy’s Burden
Elisabeth “Bizzy” Mellado’s first encounter with Compassion started with what she calls one of her dad’s “crazy ideas.”

World Water Day 2012 – For the Love of Water
Today — World Water Day — it’s necessary to remember that water is life.

The Luxury of Water and Hair Washing
In America, it’s easy to not think about our easy access to water. Or the fact that 783 million people — 11 percent of the global population — do not have access to safe drinking water, let alone bathing water.

A New Generation of Sponsors in Colombia
Staff and Compassion Alumni around the world are sponsoring children themselves. And now we have our very own Advocate in Colombia, María Ximena Marín!

Poverty Changed My Life
Martyn Legg was in a highly pressurized work environment, living with big demands and no room to back off. He and his wife Heather visited Kenya on a sponsor trip for ten days – ten days that changed their lives.

Will You Come to the Rescue of Children in Poverty?
The obvious part for a believer is that’s what God did for us in Jesus Christ. He knew He couldn’t just say “come on over here where there is no sin. Try your best!” He knew the only way was to send His son Jesus into our world, our burning building, and rescue us from the “danger, violence, and evil” of our sin.

World AIDS Day 2011: Small Things vs. Big Things
How can something so tiny that it can only be seen through a microscope can cause irreversible damage to the human body? Yet, to date, over 33 million people—spread out on every continent—are struggling with a tiny little terrorist in their blood streams, attacking healthy cells, breaking down the person’s immunity…and no one knows how to stop it.

Evil Schemes and Generous Plans
The enemy has spoken lying words to those caught in his scheme. He has told them they don’t matter. He has made them believe they are all alone in their suffering. He has deceived them into thinking their situation will never change.

What Is the Opposite of Poverty?
Our ministry often refers to the “opposite of poverty.” And, you might think that we are referring to wealth. The opposite of poor is obviously rich, right?

The Thing About Tummy Rubs
Today is World Food Day. A day to realize how blessed we are just for having a chance to eat a meal and get a full tummy.

Fast Living: How the Church Will End Extreme Poverty
Fasting isn’t an instrument to get God to hear our prayers or to help us master a primordial impulse or to accomplish anything. It’s something you do when circumstances are bad enough that you don’t want to eat and it would seem wrong to do so.