Rescuing the Future
The people who suffer the most from extreme poverty are children. These children are the reason why we need to speak up for those who are unable to speak for themselves.
Through the Eyes of a Child: Burkina Faso
We gave several children in Burkina Faso disposable or digital cameras and asked them to take photos of their lives. Looking at these photos, what do you think matters most to the children who took them?
World Poverty Day: Will You Share the Need?
One billion children world-wide lack basic needs such as food, shelter and clean water. Please share today, World Poverty Day, how blessed we are and how great the need is.
Getting to Know the Compassion Experience Team: Rachel Mueller
Get to know a little bit more about the Compassion Experience and the Compassion Experience Team!
Surgery Update: Fatao’s Heart
Fatao’s story is one of a shy boy who used to spend most of his time away from other children because of the heart disease he suffered from. Today he is fully active and uses every single minute of the day doing things he could not do for many years.
How Can a Slum Start?
Eugene, one of our staff members in Kenya shares the three main reasons why slums develop in Kenya.
Tour a Church and Child Development Center in Guatemala
From Cristo Rey de Gloria Student Center (GU-970) in Guatemala. Shaun Groves takes you on a two-minute tour of the child development center and shows you what it looks and sounds like when the children are there.
A Day in the Life of Jeyson
Jeyson is a 15-year-old living in Ecuador. He’d like to share what a day in his life looks like.
Be a Solution of Hope
Wess Stafford knew he was called to be the bridge between two worlds who need each other. In this webcast, Wess calls himself, “one focused dude” and continues to give everything to his calling to release children from poverty.
What Are Your Hopes and Dreams for Your Child?
What are the hopes and dreams mothers in the developing world have for their children?
Understanding One Another’s Needs
Are the needs of a man driving a Lexus the same as a man living across the globe who will never own a car? How about the needs of a family who can’t afford bread? How do their needs compare with broken families who eat in separate houses?