Love Changes a Life

When Pierre’s sponsor came to visit him for the second time, he immediately noticed a difference in his sponsored child.
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If people are a nation’s greatest resource, why are so many countries in Africa poor yet the birthrate in Africa the highest in the world?
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Remember Why You’re Here
Certain images capture our attention and shape the way we view life. What images have changed the way you view things?

Be a Solution of Hope
Wess Stafford knew he was called to be the bridge between two worlds who need each other. In this webcast, Wess calls himself, “one focused dude” and continues to give everything to his calling to release children from poverty.

Three Things You Should Know About Compassion Adolescents
Speak into the lives of older children and teenagers. It could make all the difference.

Child Survival Program: A Mom’s Life in Rwanda
Clementine lives with her husband and four children in a small house made of mud in Kigali, Rwanda. When she was six months pregnant, she’d spend the day at the health center, volunteering to clean so she could take food home to her family.

Family Planning in the Developing World
Women around the world face obstacles that most of us can hardly begin to fathom. Lack of access to family planning leaves mothers in developing countries with no easy way to control the size of their families, and in the end, robs both the mother and her children of a better life.

Facing a Food Crisis in Burkina Faso
Having something to eat is a gift from God, especially in communities where food production meets only basic needs. When climate hazards happen, solidarity is the only thing that keeps the people of Burkina Faso hoping for better things.

Sponsor Letters: Gifts From the Heart
For children in Togo and around the world, a letter from a sponsor is a source of great joy. Most children see letters as gifts from the hearts of their sponsors.

Rescued From the Streets
Many girls from Ethiopia’s rural areas move to the cities, lured by the idea of securing well-paying jobs. Their biggest desire is to live better lives and bring themselves, as well as their families, out of poverty.

What Are Your Hopes and Dreams for Your Child?
What are the hopes and dreams mothers in the developing world have for their children?

International Day of the African Child
African children face a myriad of challenges as they grow up. But what is also true about African children is: they love, play, learn, hope, dream, pray — they live!