Chatting with Pastor Matt Chandler
We recently talked with Pastor Matt Chandler about The Village Church, child sponsorship, the poor and his book, The Explicit Gospel.
Continue Reading ›Total Dependence on God
Genuine relationship with God is more important than any of our leadership skills or theological training.
Continue Reading ›Hope is a Four Letter Word
On his arrival to the student center, one six-year-old boy had a packet of cigarettes in his top shirt pocket. He drank and smoked, usually receiving alcohol and cigarettes from the men of the village who he would hang around with.
One Mom’s Deep Spiritual Hunger
Five mothers met with our staff to answer questions about their families, the economy of their town and their hopes and dreams about the Child Survival Program. One of those mothers was Zulma.
Meeting the Needs of Teens in Mexico
Teens in Mexico want to know more about sports, their bodies and the physical changes they were facing. They also want to know about sexuality and issues such as alcohol and drug abuse.
Tour a Church and Child Development Center in Guatemala
From Cristo Rey de Gloria Student Center (GU-970) in Guatemala. Shaun Groves takes you on a two-minute tour of the child development center and shows you what it looks and sounds like when the children are there.
Ministry Insider: Jeff Arnold, the Man Behind the Camera
Jeff Arnold is the eyes and ears for sponsors through video and photography. He travels to each country we work in to get stories of sponsored children.
New to Mexico: The Child Survival Program
Now that the Child Survival Program is a reality in Mexico, things have started to change. Today, Mexico rejoices to have this program, but everyone is also very aware of the difficult situations mothers and young children face as they struggle to survive.
Meet Our Friend, Bob Lenz
Bob Lenz is one of our ministry’s speaker partners. Poverty takes many forms, and Bob Lenz has given his life to helping young people who struggle most with poverty of the heart.
Do You See Jesus in the Face of Others?
Father, you gave us value on the cross by redeeming us. You have graciously blessed our lives with a purpose and a plan. Help us to encourage others in their God-given purpose as we unite to accomplish your plans.
After meeting our staff and church partners on the field, reports of natural disasters, civil unrest and family tragedies suddenly becomes more personal.
Cook with Compassion: Tres Leches Cake
Some believe Tres Leches Cake originated in Nicaragua, although it’s enjoyed throughout Central America. If you have a sponsored child in Nicaragua or anywhere in Central America, try out this cake for a tasty treat — maybe on a night your family prays together for your sponsored child.