See How Lives Can Change When You Donate Livestock

A young boy wearing a red T-shirt holds a black and white goat. He is standing in front of a structure made of mud and wood.

In 9-year-old Derick’s village in eastern Uganda, fathers have passed on poverty to their children for generations. Joseph, Derick’s father, was not going to be any different. It took a gift in the form of livestock to break the cycle.

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This Is What Happens When You Give Livestock to Families in Poverty

This Is What Happens When You Give Livestock to Families in Poverty

Have you ever wondered why livestock are in the catalog every year? How could something we associate with a petting zoo really help release children from poverty? We were hoping you would ask! These stories will show you how a goat, a chicken and a cow changed the lives of three families we serve.

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photo scavenger hunt soccer

It’s Time for a Photo Scavenger Hunt

We’re holding a photo scavenger hunt for the rest of July, complete with prizes. So, get your camera (or phone) ready.

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Schools in Kenya Evans the teacher

25 Years After Child Sponsorship

Evans grew up during a time of critical political and socio-economic change at both a local and national level in Kenya. But Evans had other challenges to confront beyond politics.

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A man and two children sitting inside

A Doctor’s Visit Leaves Girl With HIV

When Marion and her father went to a local health center, the doctor used the same needle on both of them due to a shortage of supplies. Marion’s father was unaware of the danger this posed to his daughter.

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