Is Compassion International Trustworthy?
Is Compassion International trustworthy? Compassion has been a trusted Christian charity since 1952. Learn more about Compassion and our stewardship.
Continue Reading ›2017 Annual Report: The Impact of Your Compassion
How can you measure compassion? There are simply no numbers in the world that can reflect the eternal impact of one person displaying compassion for another. But the tracking and reporting of resources entrusted to us is one small but vitally important way we can quantify your faithful act of compassion in partnering with us.
Continue Reading ›2016 Annual Report: Why We’re Stronger Together
The 2015-2016 fiscal year has brought another year of growth for Compassion. Here are some highlights from our 2016 Annual Report.
2015 Annual Report: A Year of Thankfulness
With God’s provision and the support of our sponsors, donors, volunteers and staff across the globe, 1.7 million children in poverty have been given the opportunity to realize their true potential and hear the lifesaving message of Jesus so that they may grow up to become responsible, fulfilled adults.
Financial Integrity: How Is My Donation Used Each Month?
$43 a month. That’s how much it costs to sponsor a child through Compassion, which is more than the price of sponsorship at some organizations. The difference sometimes leads to questions such as: What does my child get each month for $43?”, and “Where is the money going that isn’t going to the children?”.
2014 Annual Report: Where Does The Money Go?
Financial integrity is of extreme importance to us. And so is transparency. Our 2014 Annual Report has been released so you can keep up to date with the who, the what, the where, the how…and specifically, the how much. So where does the money go? Here are a few highlights from our 2014 Annual Report.
Assigning Blame? We’re Done with That!
Our Philippines office used to play a unique game of volleyball. But, it wasn’t a ball they would toss to one another – it was blame!
Are We Worth Your Trust and Money?
Does the money you donate to Compassion produce a good return on investment? Do we maximize the impact of your generosity?
How to Make Your Financial Contributions Go Further
When you set up a regularly occurring and automatic direct payment plan (e.g., Automated Clearing House (ACH), bill pay or credit/debit card), you save us at least $1 on each transaction. It’s a significant amount when you consider that many of the children’s families we serve survive on less than $1 a day.
How Do We Preserve the Integrity of Our Programs?
With programs in 25 countries, many people wonder how we maintain the excellence and good stewardship of our operations around the world. In addition to annual external audits, we ensure the highest integrity in our programs through internal auditing.
Internal auditing, both in the development centers and country offices, is designed to determine how well our operations are running and to identify weaknesses that are causing goals and objectives to go unmet.