Six Ways Child Sponsorship Can Change the Life of a Six Year Old

Kim assumed that our ministry would change her perspective as an adult, but wasn’t sure what to expect when it came to her children. After becoming a sponsor, she has seen first-hand six ways child sponsorship has changed the lives of her 6 and 2-year-olds.
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Ever since I knew about Compassion International and their child sponsorship work helping children in impoverished areas of the world, I knew I wanted a child of our own to sponsor. My idea was to find a boy that my son could correspond with, a boy that had something in common with my son.
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What If This Was the Fate of Your Letters?
After taking a trip to Guatemala with Compassion, sponsor and ministry advocate Julie Berger felt a responsibility to protect all other sponsors from what she experienced. Let her explain…

The Spirit Of Words
At first glance, words on pages could seem as though they were merely words, but an 11 year old boy named Sam from Ghana provided a powerful reminder that words prayed over and led by the Spirit have a power and a purpose all their own.

Sponsored Children Love Your Letters!
Sponsor letters can do more than money, because they build a relationship between child and sponsor. These letters are not just pieces of paper; these letters are filled with love, affection, emotion and inspiration for children.

Sponsor Letters: A Source of Encouragement and Hope
The Damasco Student Center has given Karen the opportunity to make a good friend thousands of miles away — her sponsor, Kyoung. Every letter from Kyoung is a valuable treasure to Karen containing messages of hope, encouragement and love.

The Real Ministry of Child Sponsorship Lies in Letter Writing
If you can afford to sponsor a child but, for any of several reasons, know that you will not correspond faithfully, please do the part that you can do and ask Compassion to find someone to do the other part.
That Letter You Need to Write
The message from Compassion International on my voice mail said, “Call right away.” I had a knot in my stomach. Something was wrong. Compassion does not call sponsors just to chat.

Child of Compassion
Ismene loved school. She loved learning how to work math problems. But Ismene was worried. Her grandparents might not make enough money to buy food and keep her in school.

Artwork in Your Letters to the Child You Sponsor
Doesn’t it just make your day when you get artwork from your child? Have you ever considered that your child would love to receive artwork from you?

When It Comes to Sponsorship, How Much Does Age Matter?
Regardless of their sponsor’s age, children are happy to have someone overseas caring for them, someone to communicate with through letters.

A Precious Perspective
One sentence from a little girl an ocean away immediately and forever changed my perspective.