Ten-year-old Nawlor-eh’s parents are migrants to Thailand. Since the COVID-19 quarantine restrictions have come into place, her mother Mimi has struggled to find work as a daily laborer in the fields. Her dad contracted leprosy and has gone into a leper colony, so the family of five relies on Mimi’s income.
Nawlor-eh is registered into Compassion’s Child Sponsorship Program at the local church, who are providing crucial support to the family during the pandemic.
“It’s the passion of our center and the local church to reach out to all those children in poor families,” says center Director Nedoh.
“They are very poor, and it’s our goal to help those children to at least have a chance to get an education.”
They are reaching out to vulnerable families like Nawlor-eh’s by providing them with food packages and covering the costs of her father’s travel expenses.

Center staff members bring food to Mimi’s family.
“We have to make sure that Nawlor-eh and her two brothers have enough food every day,” he says.
In gratitude, mother Mimi wrote a heartfelt note to Nedoh and the center staff, expressing her thanks and prayers for them.
We believe this letter extends to you as well — generous sponsors and donors who are coming alongside churches to meet the needs of some of the most vulnerable during this time.
Please take the words of this mother to heart — your kindness and mercy matter!

Dear Center Staff,
I am writing to you because God does not forsake us in this situation and we know that it will also be difficult for you during this time, this pandemic. When our family thinks of you, we want to thank you very much. We are very grateful that you came to help us and that you have come to visit our children and our families. You have been caring for all of us and helping our children.
I can’t go to find work outside of our community because of the lockdown restrictions. And if I go to work, my mind can’t be at peace because I am so worried about my children. So, I am closely looking after my children every day, until the virus is under control. We are very scared of this pandemic crisis.
We are a migrant family and although we moved here many years ago, we do not have the same security as some others do. The center has not had activities for children for many weeks, and our children don’t have any class or activities together with you, the center staff.
But you have been to visit us sometimes. I was so happy, and my children were delighted that we spent time with you. I feel that I have received blessings from God.
My daughter says that when COVID-19 is gone, the first thing she wants to do is to go back to school. She says she misses going to the center. She misses all of you and she misses playing games with her friends and dancing to the songs together. They miss learning their own language, Karen, at the center.
We want to encourage you when you feel scared. Remember how difficult it is for us, but we still have God. The Lord, through you, has helped us.
We know that many parents are facing difficulties during this period, just like our family. You are always trying to help us. You help make our home happy and you do everything that you can to make sure we have food to eat and things that are useful for our house.
You have given us relief from many of our troubles.
My husband has leprosy and before he went into the leprosy colony for quarantine, we could make around $31 to $62 per week. But now he can’t work and I can only make $6 to $9 per week. And during this lockdown, it is hard to find a job around the fields here.
But you have been to visit us, and the pastor too, bringing us supplies, rice, cooking oil, canned fish, eggs, sanitation supplies for our house, which have helped me and my children. We will get through this crisis together.
We are following all the instructions on the safety measures. Good things are coming back. Thank you very much. We look forward to seeing you again soon, on the day the center resumes. We will meet again and wait until that day.
Mimi, Mother of Nawlor-eh, Jaw-eh-loe and Anuchid
Thank you for the vital support you are bringing to families like Mimi’s!
Letter has been edited for length.

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Bambi donto lose hope your husband wil be ok and your children wil be fed by GOD who put them in this world .God knows their future .just hav trust in God and His son Jesus christ the savia
Thank you, Mimi. I really needed to read this today! Your letter greatly blessed my heart and was exactly the encouragement that I needed to hear. I really miss hearing from the precious children I sponsor and wonder if they and their families are okay. May God bless you and continue to provide for your precious family in amazing ways!