Inequality in Mexico

Inequality in Mexico has increased in the last decade, exposing a growing gap in between the poor and the rich. There is a hurting division in society marked by lack of income and educational opportunities.
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Not every child in class is called up front to receive a letter. Some are handed a Bible verse on a small piece of paper that the center staff prepared for them. Children know the difference, and although they value the encouragement most of them hope they’ll receive a letter soon.
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Many people in Mexico are highly dedicated to crafts, but in the hills of Veracruz, there is a group of adolescents who have dedicated the last couple of months to the delicate craftwork of making glass Christmas decorations.

The World Through My Eyes: Juan David
We gave 8-year-old Juan David a camera and asked him to take pictures of everything that caught his attention. This is what life in Mexico looks like to Juan David.

Meeting the Needs of Teens in Mexico
Teens in Mexico want to know more about sports, their bodies and the physical changes they were facing. They also want to know about sexuality and issues such as alcohol and drug abuse.

New to Mexico: The Child Survival Program
Now that the Child Survival Program is a reality in Mexico, things have started to change. Today, Mexico rejoices to have this program, but everyone is also very aware of the difficult situations mothers and young children face as they struggle to survive.

Is Your Home Full of the Words of God?
Angelica and Miguel had dreams to study and prosper, but the couple had to start working right away, because their firstborn son was on his way. As their needs increased, there were no more opportunities for personal development or studies. It was necessary to take whatever job was available.

Sickness and Death Thwarted Again by Safe Drinking Water
According to the World Health Organization, about 80 percent of all illnesses in the developing world are caused by the lack of potable water and adequate sanitation; lack of safe water is also identified among the chief causes of sickness and death in children.

Building Unity and Trust Through Soccer
During the past year, our ministry in Mexico organized the first soccer tournament in which young people between the ages of 12 to 15 played on teams representing their child development centers.

Providing an Inheritance to Children in Poverty
Mariana’s mother gathers the family around her at night to read a portion of the Bible and to pray together. She knows this is the best inheritance she could leave her children.

Run the Race in Such a Way as to Get the Prize
Sergio is confident enough to race and he knows he is a good runner. He has received many medals and recognition, but he knows how to keep both feet on the ground. He does not boast about himself. He knows that strength, wisdom and speed, in his case, are all gifts from God.
The Bible: A Great Birthday Present for Children?
Children in México’s most impoverished places do not normally get the joy of celebrating a birthday. In Centro de Desarrollo Integral Cordoba Child Development Center, as in many other student centers supported by Compassion, children are recognized and celebrated with singing and cake, making a difference in their self-esteem and value.
At the development centers, children receive the gift of being children, away from their lack of money and food, inside a small refuge where sadness and abuse are not present.
Pepe comes from a good family. His mother, Hilda, knows the Lord, but she came to the church when she and her husband were under much stress and struggles. Although the couple tried hard to stick together and to create a safe environment for their children, they used to fight over their lack of money.
Hilda says she and her husband fought because they did not have enough money to eat. She recalls one day when they were yelling at each other and did not realize Pepe was hiding under the bed. They saw Pepe crawl up into the corner of the bed and pray, “God please give me much money so my daddy and mommy will not fight.”