Our Top Picks for Thoughtful Summer Entertainment
Media influences the way we see the world around us. It can shed light on our current cultural moment in a meaningful way. It has the power to spur us on to be people who seek justice, love mercy and walk humbly with our Creator God. With summer here, there’s more time to watch movies, read and enjoy music. We put together a list of great content that will help you and your family meaningfully incorporate compassion and justice into your summer media list.

Ethical Fashion: How to Alleviate Poverty By Changing How You Shop
The fashion industry can have a profound impact on the lives of people living in poverty. Here’s how you can help make positive change.

Children Answer the Question “What Makes You Happy?”
Children are good at finding joy in any situation, aren’t they? That’s why we asked Compassion-assisted children from across the globe to share with us the things that make them happy. We pray this will inspire you to look for the little things that you can praise God for today.

How to Be an Effective Social Media Slacktivist
Before you post, re-tweet or change profile pictures in reaction to news, consider these 7 ideas on how to take the “slacker” out of social media slacktivist.

Our Message to the Class of 2020
For this year’s graduating class, the COVID-19 outbreak has meant the cancellation of proms and graduation parties and commencement ceremonies. While closing this chapter looks different than any of us expected, we wanted to honor this time of transition by delivering a commencement address for the class of 2020. Together, we both mourn and celebrate with you.

18 Beautiful Quotes About Moms
Let’s pause to celebrate moms. Enjoy these beautiful photos of and quotes about moms — from both great thinkers and sponsored children around the world!

5 Free and Fun Family Activities to Do at Home
Need some fun family activities to do at home? Here are five great ideas to keep your family learning, growing and playing.

6 Surprising Ways to Practice Gratitude in Quarantine
We’re living in unusual times, and a lot of us are really struggling. Gratitude is not the first thing that comes to our minds, but it has the power to transform the way we experience this hard situation. What does gratitude look like in quarantine? Here are six ideas to help you practice gratitude!

Compassion Fatigue in the Time of Coronavirus
The broken state of the world and sheer number of things requiring your compassion can cause you to reach a state of numbness and apathy. When you just stop caring because you simply cannot care anymore. But as Christ-followers, this is not the place we want to stay. Here are ways to prevent compassion fatigue and find our true soul’s rest in Jesus.

9 Expert Tips for Resolving Conflicts While Staying at Home
Many of us are occupying small spaces with more people than usual. Others are feeling completely isolated. Regardless of your context, I’m sure you’re facing unique challenges. We might be “socially distanced,” but we still need to interact and connect with others if we’re going to thrive. So how can we embrace the hard conversations we need to have during this time, and even grow closer to each other through it? Here are nine tips to help you resolve different types of conflict in this unique season.

If You’re Feeling Alone in a World You Don’t Recognize
If you’re feeling alone right now, I want you to know that you aren’t. There is hope on the other side of the struggle and the pain. And I’d like to give you a few ways you can take hold of that hope, even in the midst of the fears and uncertainty.

What Can We Learn From Latin Americans About Happiness?
It’s been a tough few weeks. But today is the International Day of Happiness. In these stressful times, we wanted to turn to our brothers and sisters in Latin America — some of the world’s happiness experts — to see what we can learn!