Why Help People in Poverty in Other Countries When People Need Help Here?

Why Help People in Poverty in Other Countries When People Need Help Here?

Our time and resources are finite, yet there seems to be infinite need. We want to be kind to people in poverty and we want to do it wisely. Here are a few things to consider as you struggle through this question for yourself.

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What Poverty Tourism Gets Wrong

A woman selling beans on a street in Kibera, where some people go for poverty tourism.

Is poverty tourism just a harmless way to gain insight into what it’s like to live in poverty? Sidney Muisyo explains the underlying and deeply flawed messages that slum tours are based on and can further ingrain in us. He also explains how you can visit an impoverished community in a way that is mutually honoring and beneficial.

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A New Generation of Sponsors in Colombia

Staff and Compassion Alumni around the world are sponsoring children themselves. And now we have our very own Advocate in Colombia, María Ximena Marín!

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Compassion Sunday 2012: Change the Story

Are you participating in Compassion Sunday? Will you change the story of a child living in extreme poverty?

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Young child with a man and woman.

Poverty Changed My Life

Martyn Legg was in a highly pressurized work environment, living with big demands and no room to back off. He and his wife Heather visited Kenya on a sponsor trip for ten days – ten days that changed their lives.

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peder eide

Will You Come to the Rescue of Children in Poverty?

The obvious part for a believer is that’s what God did for us in Jesus Christ. He knew He couldn’t just say “come on over here where there is no sin. Try your best!” He knew the only way was to send His son Jesus into our world, our burning building, and rescue us from the “danger, violence, and evil” of our sin.

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aids and poverty

AIDS and Poverty: World AIDS Day 2011

AIDS and poverty. Poverty and AIDS. If you care about releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name, then that means you should care about fighting AIDS.

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World Aids Day 2011

World AIDS Day 2011: Small Things vs. Big Things

How can something so tiny that it can only be seen through a microscope can cause irreversible damage to the human body? Yet, to date, over 33 million people—spread out on every continent—are struggling with a tiny little terrorist in their blood streams, attacking healthy cells, breaking down the person’s immunity…and no one knows how to stop it.

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words of encouragement

Words of Encouragement are Always Needed

Even though you smell like sewage on the outside, you smell like Jesus on the inside.

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a man and child farming plants

How Do We Teach Creation Care to Combat Environmental Poverty?

With lower levels of resource use and a much shorter history of using them, the developing world’s impact on the environment is much less than its developed counterparts; yet it bears a much higher price for damage done.

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children sitting on floor in Haiti

Evil Schemes and Generous Plans

The enemy has spoken lying words to those caught in his scheme. He has told them they don’t matter. He has made them believe they are all alone in their suffering. He has deceived them into thinking their situation will never change.

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Haitian man sitting near damaged building

Rebuilding Haiti: Where We Stand

It’s been nearly two years since the devastating earthquake struck Haiti on Jan. 12, 2010. We still have four strategies in process or ongoing to maintain the support and needs of our Implementing Church Partners, children, and their families.

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Tegucigalpa neighborhood of houses built into mountainside

Who Are the Diamonds in Your Community?

The House of Diamonds Student Center in El Guanabano, Honduras, serves people whose livelihood is found in garbage. But that doesn’t mean they’re garbage themselves.

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A group of children sitting on the ground

What Is the Opposite of Poverty?

Our ministry often refers to the “opposite of poverty.” And, you might think that we are referring to wealth. The opposite of poor is obviously rich, right?

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