Why Help People in Poverty in Other Countries When People Need Help Here?

Why Help People in Poverty in Other Countries When People Need Help Here?

Our time and resources are finite, yet there seems to be infinite need. We want to be kind to people in poverty and we want to do it wisely. Here are a few things to consider as you struggle through this question for yourself.

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What Poverty Tourism Gets Wrong

A woman selling beans on a street in Kibera, where some people go for poverty tourism.

Is poverty tourism just a harmless way to gain insight into what it’s like to live in poverty? Sidney Muisyo explains the underlying and deeply flawed messages that slum tours are based on and can further ingrain in us. He also explains how you can visit an impoverished community in a way that is mutually honoring and beneficial.

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Community Development child

Child Development and Community Development: Is One Better Than the Other?

How we go about fighting extreme poverty contrasts with how other organizations work toward the same goal. We fight poverty personally; whereas, many organizations fight communally.

I don’t mean that other organizations aren’t personally invested or committed to eliminating extreme poverty. I mean that a child focused, child development approach to fighting poverty is distinctly different than a broader community development approach.

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Poverty, Inc.

‘Poverty, Inc.’: The Global Poverty Industry

How does Compassion measure up to the ideas about the global poverty industry presented in the documentary ‘Poverty, Inc.’?

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picture of a woman holdinFair Trade Tea Top Blogs 2015

The Business of Fair Trade

The words fair trade get thrown around a lot. But what does it really mean? Can for-profit businesses really be a part of helping to alleviate poverty and advocate for human rights?

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How to Make Ethiopian Coffee

Watch how moms make Ethiopian coffee from roasting beans and grinding in a press, to brewing in water and being enjoyed by all.

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Human Trafficking Daniela Reading

How Do You Fight Human Trafficking?

Daniela didn’t think she would ever be released by her kidnappers. But thanks to the actions of one church, an entire town rose up to fight human trafficking in their community.

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Compassion North Korea Ministry Summit

Compassion Prepares for the Children of North Korea

What would child development look like in North Korea? 1,100 church leaders from 163 churches met in South Korea at the recent Compassion North Korea Ministry Summit to begin to answer this question.

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Day of the African Child Help from Our Friends

African Childhood: Beauty in Simplicity

For the International Day of the African Child, take a photo journey into what African childhood can look like. One filled with the beauty of simplicity.

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Water Isn’t All Africa Needs

When providing clean water to communities in Africa, the conversation can’t stop there. Sanitation education is crucial to sustainable health care.

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Most Influential People

The Most Influential People in the World

The International Day of Families is an occasion to celebrate the importance of families to people, societies and cultures around the world. It’s a good day to learn, and own, your influence. Not only for the sake of kids in poverty but for your own family too.

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Farm to Table Borisut

From Farm to Table: What Safe Food Means to One Child

World Health Day is April 7 and this year’s focus is food safety. More than 200 diseases are caused by unsafe food containing harmful bacteria, parasites, viruses and chemical substances. Helping meet the physical needs of the children in our program, and of their communities, sometimes means having to find healthy food sources. Often, farm to table is the best solution possible. This is where little Borisut comes in. He is a sponsored child in Thailand’s rural northern region. And we’d like you to hear his perspective on how farm-to-table living has benefited not only his family but also his entire community.

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Advocacy Featured

What Does Advocacy Look Like?

Advocacy is big and small. It’s hundreds of people and it’s a single voice. It’s big roles and small conversations. It’s both difficult and simple, all at once. But always, always, it’s about connecting people to the opportunity to do something extraordinary. To love a child they’ve never met.

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Facebook Questions

You Asked, We Answered: Facebook Q&A

We recently held our first impromptu Facebook Q&A Session. All your questions answered in one place on one spontaneous Friday afternoon. Here are some of the most popular questions – and a few of our favorites.

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