Where Are They Now?

Though the degree of poverty varied and each family’s story was different, these people had one thing in common that day — they had hope. Hope that God heard their plea for help; hope that this would be the beginning of a brighter future for their children; and hope that the children they held in their arms would be sponsored.
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One sentence from a little girl an ocean away immediately and forever changed my perspective.
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A Profile of Courage: Pastor Peter Mugabi
Pastoring in Uganda is a big call that God puts on one’s life. It’s a tough calling because many of our churches have quite a number of challenges.

The Tradition of Rakiire in Burkina Faso
What is Rakiire? Rakiire consists of two people within the same big family or between two different ethnic groups telling jokes that are often very sour and border on insolence.

Why are Some Children Considered Highly Vulnerable and Others Aren’t?
The process of identifying highly vulnerable children starts by observing them among their peers. Then home visits and discussions with the child’s parents help the center workers learn more details about the child’s living conditions.This procedure determines whether there is a need to provide help to the caregivers in addition to the support their children already receive from the development center.
The Voice
One night, alone in a field, our president and CEO cried out on behalf of children around the world, and God answered.

Sponsor Letters Can Be a Family Affair
Though Fabrice’s mother lives far away, he always manages to show her his sponsor’s letters. His mother enjoys reading these letters to learn about her son’s benefactor, who lives in a country they know only by name.

Vastly Different Lives Connected in Christ
We speak different languages. We live in separate time zones. We follow different customs and practices. We lead such vastly different lives but we are all connected by the fact that Christ dwells in our hearts.

Do Dreams Come True?
Fides was seven months pregnant and living in a rented single room with her husband and their two children. The Child Survival Program offered to help her with her pregnancy so that she could deliver safely.

Treatments for Malaria – What Helps Children?
From a very young age, Anite was a sickly child. Her mother, Florence, says that after Anite was born, she often fell sick from malaria. The little girl went to multiple hospitals, but each time they after they treated her, the malaria came back.

Easter in Ghana
To Ghanaian Christians, Easter is a day of remembering what Christ did on the cross for all mankind; not just remembering but knowing that it was the foundation for their salvation. They believe that without the passion of Christ, people would not know that there is a place for them to go after death.

How Can a Nation Overcome Poverty with Wealth Creation?
Ghana is currently one of the largest producers of cocoa and gold and is now also involved in oil production. They are becoming a prosperous nation and the world is taking notice.