The Greeting That Changed a Little Girl’s Life

Chaltu joined our sponsorship program in a unique and surprising way.
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In Togo, national statistics indicate that 39 percent of the population do not have access to an improved drinking water source. A quarter of the Togolese population do not have, within a 30 minute walk, a source of drinking water.
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Don’t Be Afraid of the Differences
Kelsi spent the last year living and working in Nairobi, Kenya, and constantly fought guilt. She felt guilty for being “different.”

No More Fear
When Eyram did not take all of her medication, she had seizures. She lived in total fear.

Saddam {it’s more than a sponsorship}
Shauna Pilgreen, in the hospital for an unknown illness, can only think of one thing — her sponsored child Sadaam.

How Can Jewelry Making Provide Hope and an Education?
While we want every child to attain the highest possible level of formal education, not all children are meant to be academicians. This is why our staff in Ghana expose children to extracurricular activities that often lead to income-generating ventures.

Living to Know Christ More
Recently we asked Olive Aneno about her career as a social worker. Why did she choose a career in social work? And, what are the differences she sees in the children of Uganda and the children she works with in the U.S.

The Long African Walk
We desire to serve the neediest possible. Sometimes that means traveling to where buses and cars cannot easily go.

Do You Sponsor a Child in Ethiopia?
In 1993 Compassion’s ministry began in Ethiopia. This year, in celebration of 20 years of ministry our offices in Ethiopia are creating a special anniversary magazine and they’d like you to be a part of it!

Almost Buried Alive
In the Basofi Ningo culture and tradition, a child who dies must be buried at once. It is taboo to keep a body unburied for too long so Sandra’s family did not want to waste time sending her to a hospital.

Ministry Insider: Jackie Nyaga, A Voice for Children in Poverty
Our field staff are some of the most remarkable people around! Jackie Nyaga is no exception.

A New Home for Emile
Emile faces great challenges in life. He lives in a hut, in the heart of the bush, far from the nearest village. His room has palm branch walls and a straw roof, which leaks during rainy season.