These Joyful Stories Will Fill You With Wonder

These Joyful Stories Will Fill You With Wonder

This month in our “Totally Worth It” series, we’re spotlighting stories that fill us with wonder. They really put the wind in our sails and encourage us to push forward in addressing the many facets of poverty.

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The Compassion Child Sponsorship Program: What Does Research Show?

Over a period of two years, a team of researchers led by Dr. Bruce Wydick studied adults who were registered with the Compassion Child Sponsorship program from 1980-1992. What did the team discover?

Three Compassion Staff of Scandinavia standing in front of a Compassion branded wall

Launch of Compassion Scandinavia

In 2013, a global Compassion partner office was opened in Scandinavia. Compassion Scandinavia CEO Leif Ingvald Skaug shares his prayers and hopes for the future of Compassion in Scandinavia.

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a man and child farming plants

How Do We Teach Creation Care to Combat Environmental Poverty?

With lower levels of resource use and a much shorter history of using them, the developing world’s impact on the environment is much less than its developed counterparts; yet it bears a much higher price for damage done.

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Young smiling girl holding a letter.

The Journey of One Letter

Have you ever wondered how your sponsored child’s letter gets to you? The long journey it takes from Tanzania or Thailand to Connecticut or California? There’s a lot more to it than you might think!

Samuel Llanes, Guatemala’s Field Communication Specialist, gives us a peek at the journey of one letter from Guatemala to a sponsor in Australia.

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