Giving Our All

When we are in our offices, away from the child development centers and away from the children, it seems that we can’t do anything for them. But that is not true.

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The Joy of Serving

smiling children in Haiti

Each day we have the choice to choose life or death. To worship God by serving each other with joy or to expect others to serve us.

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men building foundation with bricks

The Compassion Life

Rev. Everett Swanson laid a foundation for us. Jesus laid a foundation for the whole Church. Let each of us take care how we build upon it.

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congested traffic

From the Inside Out

What would it be like if our thoughts were not our own? What if everything that went through our minds—the good, the bad, and the ugly—was broadcast for all those around us to hear

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cover of devotional book titled One in Spirit

Think Healthy

If you could record your thoughts for a day, what would you hear? What would God hear?

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a red rose

Actively Extend Grace

Be challenged today to extend grace to someone. Don’t just pray. Do something. It can be the difference between life and death for a hurting soul.

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open bible with children pointing at text

Christian Love and Confrontation

As Christians, if we truly love one another as Jesus says we ought, then we need to be willing to pursue loving confrontation and be willing to humbly accept correction.

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man and two women praying

Lead with Love

It is very easy for leaders to see people’s strengths through love. Love even makes it easier to correct or discipline the people you lead.

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Carry the Love of Jesus to the Little Ones

One young boy came the child development center every day to have something to eat. It was quickly discovered though that he was seeking something more.

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woman writing letter

God’s Love for the World Is Personal

A sacrificing love still touches the spirit, heart, and soul of each one of us who is God’s unique, beloved creation.

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Three ladies and a man sitting in an office.

The Role of an Individual

As we continue growing as a global ministry, let’s continue valuing and loving one another. It is because of your fellow staff that you are what you are today.

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man preaching during church service

You: A Miracle Worker

At Compassion, we have one thing in common: We are all miracle workers because we are all part of this ministry that, around the globe, is preaching the good news to the poor.

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