What I Want To Be: 10 Kids With Big Dreams
In partnership with local churches, Compassion sponsors allow kids to dream about the future by helping to meet their physical, emotional and spiritual needs.
Hear from 10 special kids as they share their dreams.
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Asha has dreams of becoming a lawyer to help those in her community who need it most. She believes that nothing will stop her, but she’s facing incredible adversity to achieve it. With your help, she will.
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Carmen became the 2017 National Junior Champion in Rhythmic Gymnastics, proving that poverty is not an obstacle to reach her dreams.
Growing Up Too Fast
As a mom of two children, I have tried to encourage my kids to explore their dreams and provide them with opportunities to learn about a variety of occupations. Helping them to choose something they can be successful at with the talents God has given them. But not all children get these opportunities.
They Have Dreams Too
Somewhere, a young man in extreme poverty gets a sparkle in his eye when he thinks of computers. And when he walks the dirt roads of his town, he imagines the words he will write to his sponsor.
Change the Story: The Compassion Experience
Change the Story: The Compassion Experience is a traveling, interactive exhibit that allows you to journey through the lives of three real-life children who are affected not only by extreme poverty, but also by the Compassion ministry.
What Are Your Hopes and Dreams for Your Child?
What are the hopes and dreams mothers in the developing world have for their children?
A Sponsor’s Letter Inspires a Child’s Dream
In a community where the size of land, number of children and herds of cattle define one’s worth, Suyianga’s family is considered among the lowliest in the community. But today Suyianga is more confident about himself as a result of the encouraging letters he receives from his sponsor.
Evil Schemes and Generous Plans
The enemy has spoken lying words to those caught in his scheme. He has told them they don’t matter. He has made them believe they are all alone in their suffering. He has deceived them into thinking their situation will never change.
Do Dreams Really Come True?
Do dreams come true? Yes. Not by wishing on a star. But through the actions of committed Christians who are willing to live out their faith in practical ways.
Do Dreams Come True?
Fides was seven months pregnant and living in a rented single room with her husband and their two children. The Child Survival Program offered to help her with her pregnancy so that she could deliver safely.
We Teach Children How to Dream
The youths in our student centers face many challenges. Because of cultural paradigms, poor academic preparation by the national school system (especially in rural areas), and financial barriers, one of the greatest challenges for youths is learning how to dream.