El Salvador Traditions Reveal a Unique, Vibrant Culture

A girl in a purple shirt is sitting in a chair, smiling and waving. She is holding a white paper flag on a stick.

El Salvador’s traditions easily set it apart from any other country. Who else has a national holiday in honor of “pupusas”? And what other country celebrates Christmas with huge fireworks displays and specializes in green coffee beans?

Let’s explore the culture of El Salvador, the Central American country where 66,113 Compassion-assisted children live, by learning more about Salvadoran traditions.

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What I Want To Be: 10 Kids With Big Dreams

In partnership with local churches, Compassion sponsors allow kids to dream about the future by helping to meet their physical, emotional and spiritual needs.

Hear from 10 special kids as they share their dreams.

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Warda, in a yellow scarf and green hat, is standing in front of laundry hanging on clotheslines outside her home.

Incredible Facts About Compassion I Didn’t Know Before Interning Here

As a sponsor for three years and counting, I thought I had a pretty good grasp on Compassion’s mission and how it works to achieve that mission. But when I started working at Compassion as an intern this summer, I began to realize that there was still a lot I didn’t know! I have since learned several facts about Compassion’s ministry that I just wasn’t aware of before.

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Kelvin is wearing a white shirt and jeans. He is standing outside the Compassion center with his hands touching in front of him. The Compassion center building is yellow and green.

Our Amazing Neighbors: 15 Photos of Churches Around the World

When a child enters the Compassion Sponsorship Program, he or she is registered at a local Compassion center. But before any center can open, a partnership is needed between Compassion and a local church.

Here are 15 photos of churches that partner with Compassion around the world!

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Keysha is wearing an orange shirt and light jeans. She is standing outside with her friend and is holding a bouquet of pink and yellow flowers.

Inspiring People Who Live in Poverty AND Help Others

These inspiring people have a strong motivation to help others. Despite growing up in poverty and not always having everything they need, they share what they DO have!

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Gerald is wearing a black and white checked shirt. He is standing next to Julia, who is wearing a black shirt. They are standing in front of a brown wall.

“God Can Change Things”: 3 Families Transformed

When a child enters the Compassion program, they are not the only ones changed forever. One child being part of the Child Sponsorship Program or Survival Program can impact an entire family. Each family of a Compassion-assisted child has access to deep community, vital resources, and the Gospel message through local churches that partner with Compassion.

This holistic combination was truly life-changing for three families in Africa. Here are their stories.

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Where I Do My Homework: 8 Pictures of Tenacious Students in Asia

Going to school and doing homework are normal activities for many kids. Sadly, many children in poverty never get to experience the joys and trials of school and homework — or the rewards.

In the following pictures you can see how children and youths in Compassion’s program fight to get an education despite less-than-ideal circumstances.

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A woman and the child she sponsors through Compassion smile.

That Unforgettable Time I Met My Sponsored Child in Guatemala

Finally, it was the moment I had traveled thousands of miles for. There she was, a cute little girl with curly hair, standing outside a crowded church. Someone said, “This is Genesis, your sponsored child!”

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