How to Not Waste $50 on Unwanted Gifts This Christmas

How to Not Waste $50 on Unwanted Gifts for Christmas

People in the U.S. spend about $16 billion on unwanted Christmas gifts each year. Gifts that are discarded, donated or re-gifted. Instead of spending our generosity on things people don’t want, how can we be more intentional with our gift giving?

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She Has the Best Tools to Build Her Bright Future

Lucerito Has The Best Tools To Build furniture and Her Bright Future

In Lucerito’s community, professions like carpentry and making furniture were often considered to be only for men. Then, she grabbed a hammer and impressed everyone.

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3 Things Paving My Way to Be an Aviation Mechanic

3 Things Paving My Way to Be an Aviation Mechanic

I’m Gabriela and I’m 17 years old. I am currently studying for a technical high school degree in aviation mechanics. I never thought this could be possible. Where I’m from, becoming an aviation mechanic is known as a career for men instead of women, and technical courses aren’t normally affordable for families like mine.

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Totally Worth It

Totally Worth It: Curated News and Stories to Ignite Compassion

We’re keenly aware that you don’t need more clutter in your digital lives. That’s where this new series comes in. “Totally Worth It” is our latest Compassion Blog series that is jam packed with stuff we think is totally worth knowing about … .news, events, pictures, stories, sponsors, you name it!

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woman teaching children in a classroom

How to Encourage A+ Excellence In Your Letters

Your letters have the power to influence the child or children you have chosen to invest in. They really do make a difference. Use your words this month to inspire them and get their mental gears shifting into learning mode.

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Breaking the Cycle of Poverty Rizza Facebook

Breaking the Cycle of Poverty through Education

Sarah Mae and Rizza Mae are about to exit from the Child Sponsorship Development Program feeling ready to face the world. Having learned valuable lessons and skills, they are breaking the cycle of poverty in their lives.

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Rite of Passage Desks

A New Rite of Passage

Jennifer Sekeyian Kisurkat was consumed by the song and dance of young Maasai dancers during the ceremony of a new type of rite of passage in her community. She felt “excited and privileged” to be part of the wave of change that the Najile School for Girls would bring to her life and the community.

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woman reading a book to children

You’re Never Too Old to Learn

Julienne grew up with the belief that her ability to learn, her wisdom and her knowledge had all been drained by her twin sister who, on the other hand, always did well in school.

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Three boys sitting at desks all wearing green sweaters

Kenya’s Maasai: Caught Between Two Worlds

In a fast changing Kenya, the Maasai are learning the importance education plays in the evolution of their tribe into modern society.

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education for girls

Education for Girls in the Maasai Community

With an education, Maasai girls are free to dream, compete with their male counterparts, and decide their own future. This feat was unheard of in years past.

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Man holding a mosquito net.

Parents in Burkina Faso Keep Children Safe Against Malaria

The need for mosquito nets for children in Burkina Faso is high, and solutions are being sought. Parental education is also a big step in the fight against malaria.

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man standing outside restaurant in Haiti

One Sponsored Child’s Success Story

Saidel is his father’s 30th child. His mother, one of his father’s five wives, died when Saidel was only 3 years old. After his mother’s death, he was taken in by his older sister, a street vendor named Mireille.

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