How to Raise Brave Kids in a World Keeping Them Afraid

How to Raise Brave Kids in a World Keeping Them Afraid

Parenting in our generation is so different than our parents’ generation, isn’t it? I don’t know whether it is an intense need for control or the fact that we are surrounded by voices who are trying to convince us we aren’t safe. Whatever the cause, we parent with the brakes on.

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Looking up to Young People in the World

girl standing with arms crossed

In this month’s “Totally Worth It,” we’re highlighting some technologies and stories that will remind you that young hearts and minds have the power to change the future of poverty in the world.

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You Make Me Hopeful for the Future of the World

You Make Me Hopeful for the Future of the World

Last week a radio host asked me in an interview to make a statement about the state of the world and how difficult it is to raise kids in this current cultural climate. My answer disappointed her. She was hoping for doom and gloom mixed with some religious jargon about how these are signs of the end of things. Instead, I told her that raising kids in this world feels hopeful. Hope. Full.

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