The Shunammite Woman: A Faith-Inspiring Devotional

Shunammite woman: A woman wearing a green head scarf holds a smiling boy wearing a green shirt in her arms.

This devotion about Elisha and the Shunammite woman by one of our staff at Compassion Ghana will inspire you to muster up faith when faced with tragedy!

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We Are Transforming Lives

wooden benches inside Kenyan church

God has a divine plan to use us for His glory. According to science, 100 people working together can change 1 million people. Only together can we change the world.

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crowded street with vehicles and people

Miracles of God

People may have the same purposes and goals, but it is the journey that determines the strength of a vision.

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people sitting around table

One Step Forward: Working as a Team

Our staff and church partners in Indonesia benefit from the collaborative effort between Partnership Facilitators (PFs), Sponsor Donor Services (SDS) and Training Specialists. By working together in unity, we help one another succeed in our individual roles.

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Family posing for a photo in Ghana.

Nine Questions With Nyarko Twum Berima

I believe that God places us in our jobs, so to me every position is a privilege given by God. I want to be here to serve, learn and grow.

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young lady wearing yellow shirt

Without Mentors, Our Ministry to the Poor Is Just a Concept

Not everyone is qualified to be a mentor. Mentors must be committed Christians, committed to the local church, have passion to minister to the children, have basic teaching skills, and have good relational skills.

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Why Do Child Development Centers Close

Why Do Child Development Centers Close?

We partner with more than 5,000 churches worldwide to implement our sponsorship program. And last year, 95 centers closed, about 1.7 percent of the centers open at the time. The number of child development centers that close each year varies. They close for a variety of reasons, and each case is different.

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group of kneeling children praying

Your Sponsored Child Prays for You

“We hope we can always uphold our sponsors in our prayers. I hope our sponsors also want to tell more about struggles that they face every day. It will help us not just know them better, it will help us to have better relationships with them and Christ through our prayers.” And so prays Megawati, one of the sponsored children from Sola Fide.

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boy in a red shirt sitting on mat

Life as a Refugee in Thailand

Suppakit and his family part of the Karen ethnic group and are refugees who have limited rights in Thailand. Read more about their experience.

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woman looking through paperwork at desk

How Do We Preserve the Integrity of Our Programs?

With programs in 25 countries, many people wonder how we maintain the excellence and good stewardship of our operations around the world. In addition to annual external audits, we ensure the highest integrity in our programs through internal auditing.

Internal auditing, both in the development centers and country offices, is designed to determine how well our operations are running and to identify weaknesses that are causing goals and objectives to go unmet.

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Vilma Canales in front of sign

“Look After Your Sisters, and Do Something Good With Your Life.”

Just before passing away Vilma’s mother asked Vilma for two things, to look after her sisters and to do something good with her life. So when the news came to Vilma, a graduate of our sponsorship program, that the Compassion Honduras country office was looking for a Partnership Facilitator for the western region, she was immediately interested and started to pray.

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Who Has the Responsibility for Protection of Our Children?

Who Has the Responsibility for Protecting the Children in Our Program?

Our mandate as child advocates is to ensure that all children within our care and those we interact with every day enjoy a loving and safe environment.

We are committed to protecting children from all forms of abuse and exploitation. Our board policy communicates this clearly by stating that: “Concern for children is the cornerstone upon which Compassion International has been built. We are opposed to all forms of abuse and exploitation and will do everything within our power to ensure that no harm comes to any child registered in our program due to his or her involvement in the ministry of Compassion International.”

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