Why Help People in Poverty in Other Countries When People Need Help Here?

Why Help People in Poverty in Other Countries When People Need Help Here?

Our time and resources are finite, yet there seems to be infinite need. We want to be kind to people in poverty and we want to do it wisely. Here are a few things to consider as you struggle through this question for yourself.

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How to Fight Defeatism About Poverty in the World

How to Fight Defeatism About Poverty in the World

“Every group of people I ask thinks the world is more frightening, more violent, and more hopeless — in short, more dramatic — than it really is,” says Hans Rosling, author of Factfulness. What contributes to this sense of defeatism about poverty and how we can fight against it?

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World Bank Global Poverty Line Graph

The (Sort of) New Global Poverty Line

The new global poverty line (of living on less than $1.90 a day) captures income and consumption data. What it doesn’t reflect are other conditional circumstances and deficiencies that strip opportunity and hope from the poor.

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