Poverty in the Bible: The Definition of Poverty

How Does the Bible Define Poverty?

Many people and organizations view poverty in economic terms. But does this definition align with how Scripture describes the poor? How does the Bible define poverty?

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5 Tough Questions About Poverty, Answered

Why do parents keep having children if they can’t afford to support them? Why don’t they get a different job, or work harder, if they need more money?

We put difficult but common questions like these to five brave parents of children are in Compassion’s program. In vulnerably sharing their experiences, they hope to break the stigma of and reveal the truth about living in poverty.

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Why Help People in Poverty in Other Countries When People Need Help Here?

Why Help People in Poverty in Other Countries When People Need Help Here?

Our time and resources are finite, yet there seems to be infinite need. We want to be kind to people in poverty and we want to do it wisely. Here are a few things to consider as you struggle through this question for yourself.

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Sophia is wearing a cream colored shirt and shorts. She is laying on her bed and there is a pink mosquito net above her.

The Day 6-Year-Old Sophia Learned to Dream Without Limits

The world that 6-year-old Sophia sees around her is one of poverty and limitations. But Compassion’s photojournalist in Brazil, Sara Navarro, is among the caring adults who inspire her to dream without limits. Here’s Sara’s story of the day she visited Sophia.

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11 Warrior Women With Unshakeable Faith

This International Women’s Day, we honor the strength of women around the world. They are mothers, grandmothers, sisters, aunts and daughters. And with their unshakeable faith in God, they are all warrior women.

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A large family sits outside of grass and mud homes in Kenya.

Cognitive Dissonance Theory: Wealth and Poverty

As humans we like consistency. We are uncomfortable holding contradictory beliefs and actions … so how do we balance Christian principles with the disparities we see around the world?

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What's the Most Strategic Thing a Pastor Can Do to Alleviate Poverty?

What’s the Most Strategic Thing a Pastor Can Do to Alleviate Poverty?

There are many efforts behind which a pastor can put his or her energy and resources, but one action stands above all others to alleviate poverty.

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How Do the Poor Describe Poverty?

How Do the Poor Describe Poverty?

A survey conducted in Niger by the Office of the Prime Minister asked the poor of that country to describe poverty. Their answers included: dependence, marginalization, scarcity, incapacity and restrictions on rights and freedoms.

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Invisibility of Poverty Top Blogs 2015

The Invisibility of Poverty

We’ve all been stuck at that red light, and despite our best efforts to avoid it, there we are: eye-to-eye with a person with a sign. Poverty is uncomfortable. And sometimes, it’s just easier to look away and pretend we can’t see.

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Young boy sitting at a table.

“I’m Not Broke”

The lies of poverty tell a child that they are broke, unfixable and hopeless. But then there is Jesus. And Jesus tells a very different story.

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large group of adults smiling and laughing

Don’t Be Afraid of the Differences

Kelsi spent the last year living and working in Nairobi, Kenya, and constantly fought guilt. She felt guilty for being “different.”

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statue of Jesus with outstretched arms

How Can Repetition Get the Creative Juices Flowing?

As we enter the home stretch of Blog Month, you may be feeling a little low on creativity and words. Let this little exercise help get those creative juices flowing.

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