Your Top 5 Compassion Stories of 2021

Four children are standing outside playing musical instruments and dancing. There are trees and tall grass behind them. The children are wearing traditional clothing.

As editor of the Compassion USA blog, I always love looking back over the previous year to see which articles resonated with you the most. It gives me a chance to reflect on the powerful stories and photos that come from our photojournalists around the world and writers in the U.S. I also get an idea of what type of content to gather and share with you in the year to come. In case you missed them, here were the top stories of 2021 on the Compassion USA blog.

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Tough Questions: “Why Do Families in Poverty Have Phones or TVs?”

Woman wearing a white shirt and a floral print head covering. She is sitting outside and is talking on the phone.

According to the World Bank, the world’s poorest families are more likely to have access to a mobile phone than a toilet or electricity. As technology advancements reach the most remote corners of the globe, devices like cellphones and televisions are becoming important tools for daily life. They’re also becoming a lot more affordable.

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A man carries a bucket and a boat motor as he walks with a boy in from the water.

Tough Questions: “Are People Who Live in Poverty Lazy?”

Hear how parents of five children in Compassion’s program responded to this tough question people ask about poverty. For them, the hurtful myth that they are poor because they are lazy couldn’t be further from the truth.

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