5 Bible Verses About Hope for Hard Times

girl in a white shirt sitting outside with a book open on her lap

Life is hard, and in troubling times, hope can feel impossible. Luckily, in those moments, the God of hope is near to us, ready to lift our heads and turn our eyes to the brighter future ahead. If you’re struggling, there’s hope to be found in God’s Word. Below, you’ll find five Bible verses about hope in hard times and learn how to apply them in any situation. A

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By the Calendar: 12 Ideas for Writing to the Child You Sponsor in 2022

Lizbeth is wearing a blue skirt, white shirt, and a red sash. She is sitting in a field with a calf behind her and she is holding up one of her sponsor's letters.

As the new year begins, I’m always thinking about the calendar. It’s probably because of the yearly planning we all tend to do. (Got to get after those goals, am I right?) Or maybe it’s because every year for the past 16 years I’ve received a wall calendar for Christmas from a dear friend. Whatever the case, a good wall calendar or even a digital calendar that you keep up-to-date online can help you prepare for the year to come. Here’s how keeping a calendar helps me figure out when it’s best for me to write to the child I sponsor.

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A boy with a patch over his eye smiles.

What Happens When an Unsponsored Child Needs Emergency Care?

Here’s how ministry supporters helped Compassion to step in and offer support for 4-year-old Yoskiel and his family in Indonesia when he was diagnosed with eye cancer at age 3 — just a few months after he joined our program and didn’t yet have a sponsor.

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These Aren’t Your Mother’s Child’s Milestones

Whether they are from the United States, Brazil, the Philippines or Ghana, every child in the world has at least this one thing in common — they grow up! And as they do, according to their culture’s customs and traditions, they celebrate and memorialize certain rights of passage or milestones. These celebrations honor the transition from one stage of development to the next.

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A laughing girl child wearing a brown shirt with white lace and collar stands outside in the middle of a street holding a present wrapped in shiny red wrapping paper. Behind her is blue sky and trees.

Children’s Birthdays Are a Big Deal — and Not Just for Kids

Kids sure do love their birthdays. As I write this, my wife and I are in the midst of planning a birthday party for our two sons. They are turning 9 and 7. Their birthdays are within two weeks of each other, and since they are so close in age, they share many of the same friends. So, we’re able to do a bit of a two-for-one deal.

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4 Ways Letter Writing Benefits You and the Child You Sponsor

OK, so I need to make a confession … I’m not as good as I should be at writing letters to my sponsored child. And I make all sorts of reasonable excuses for it, too:

“My life is already so busy with my work and kids that it’s hard to find the time.” “I feel like I just wrote a letter a couple months ago.” (It was 10 months ago.) “I need to wait until I have more to say.” “My letters don’t really matter anyway.”

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two happy girls standing in front of a pink wall

This is What Happens When You Send a Letter to the Child You Sponsor

In the United States, we don’t really think about it much because it’s so easy — you mail a letter or a package, and a few days later it arrives in the mailbox or on the doorstep of the person you sent it to. But mail and package delivery in the developing world is quite a bit more complex. And because we take child protection so seriously, there is a series of checks and hand-offs that happen at the national Compassion offices all they way down to your child’s local center.

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A girl reads a letter.

Why Aren’t My Sponsored Child’s Letters as Engaging as I Hoped?

Why are some letters from sponsored children personal and relational while others feel formulaic and impersonal? In this article, we think through some of the reasons this might be your experience and refocus our hearts on the purpose of letter writing.

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A girl in a green shirt prays, with her hands to her face.

8 Verses to Pray Over the Child You Sponsor

These are uncertain times. Here are eight scriptures to guide you as you pray for the faith, safety and strength of the child you sponsor.

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A girl wearing a blue dress looks at the camera with a serious look on her face.

How NOT To Help Kids in Need

What if, in our desire to help kids in need, our efforts actually hurt children living in poverty? Here is how NOT to help kids in need.

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A girl in a brown dress puts her arms around a woman in a green dress and yellow turban, smiling.

Strangers Shared the Love to Mend Her Broken Heart

This past Valentine’s Day, 12-year-old Irene in Burkina Faso had a broken heart. But she wasn’t the only one. In fact, her mom, dad, brother, grandmother, aunt and her friends felt hopeless and grieved. They all believed this radiant and loving young girl might soon die.

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