It Takes a Village: Meet Staff Who Live Out the Call for Community

I’ve always loved the sentiment “It takes a village.” To me, those four words encapsulate the most powerful aspect of human growth and development: community. We all have a village surrounding us. And so does each and every child in the Compassion program.

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A laughing girl child wearing a brown shirt with white lace and collar stands outside in the middle of a street holding a present wrapped in shiny red wrapping paper. Behind her is blue sky and trees.

Children’s Birthdays Are a Big Deal — and Not Just for Kids

Kids sure do love their birthdays. As I write this, my wife and I are in the midst of planning a birthday party for our two sons. They are turning 9 and 7. Their birthdays are within two weeks of each other, and since they are so close in age, they share many of the same friends. So, we’re able to do a bit of a two-for-one deal.

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Grandmother holding her newborn grandson

Read a Grandmother’s Hopeful Letter to Her Baby Grandson

Baby Deinner was delivered prematurely via emergency surgery as his mother, Cindy, battled COVID-19. Tragically, Cindy died the day after — leaving Deinner’s grandmother, Bridis, to raise her baby grandson and his two siblings.

Bridis shares her daughter’s story and expresses her hopes for Deinner’s future in this letter she wrote for him to read one day.

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4 Ways Letter Writing Benefits You and the Child You Sponsor

OK, so I need to make a confession … I’m not as good as I should be at writing letters to my sponsored child. And I make all sorts of reasonable excuses for it, too:

“My life is already so busy with my work and kids that it’s hard to find the time.” “I feel like I just wrote a letter a couple months ago.” (It was 10 months ago.) “I need to wait until I have more to say.” “My letters don’t really matter anyway.”

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A woman and her three children sit on a mat outdoors. They are smiling. The two older children are wearing matching purple dresses

How a Year of COVID-19 Has Changed Us Forever

In early March 2020, I was on a storytelling trip to El Salvador for Compassion. One minute we were loading the van to head to a child development center, the next we were packing our bags to rush to the airport — urgently called home as COVID-19, a seemingly distant threat, suddenly became very real.

Here are beautiful moments from the past year that represent prayers answered, lives changed and lessons learned. They show what is possible when together, we rise as one.

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10 Talented Young Entrepreneurs Who Dreamed Beyond Poverty

The impact of sponsors’ generosity on children multiplies far beyond their childhood years. Compassion centers at local churches offer them safe spaces to discover and lessons on how to steward their God-given talents. Access to resources and exposure to various activities, coupled with vocational and financial training, allow children to dream big — beyond their circumstances.

Check out these incredible stories of talented young entrepreneurs!

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A woman wearing a pink shirt and a young boy in a black shirt smile as they hold up a cake reading

How Do You Make Your Sponsored Child Part of Your Daily Life?

Many of the children in our program think about their sponsor as an extension of their family. Maybe you feel the same way about the child you sponsor. You know you want to pray for him or her daily and write letters often. And through those actions and your financial gifts, you’ll no doubt make a powerful impact on your sponsored child’s life. But … you feel the need to do more. You want to incorporate your sponsored child into your daily life as much as possible. The question is: How?

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Sarah is wearing a pink patterned dress and Sophia is wearing a white patterned dress. They are standing in front of a brick and cement building and they are holding hands.

7 Ways to Be a Better Neighbor to Your Sponsored Child (and Their Community!)

As a sponsor during the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s been hard to lose the connection to my child in Colombia through our letters. I miss learning about his life and hearing him describe his day-to-day activities. Yet, as I reflect on our past letters, I realize they reveal a whole world of support that my child has hopefully been able to stay connected with during the pandemic!

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A group of children are standing against a wall in their neighborhood.

Why Do I Choose to Sponsor a Child? It’s Personal.

Like most families with young children, my husband and I don’t have a ton of disposable income. There are always diapers to buy, groceries to replace or the unexpected medical bill or home repair to cover. So with the little money we do have at our discretion, we make sure to use it wisely. Intentionally.

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Three teenage girls smile as one of them holds a letter from her Compassion sponsor.

6 Teens Tell Us What They Like to Hear in Their Sponsors’ Letters

To answer some of sponsors’ common questions about exchanging letters, we asked sponsored teenagers in Ethiopia and Colombia what they like most about their sponsors’ letters — and what they’d love more of.

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A girl and a boy are riding on a donkey. The girl is wearing a school uniform and a backpack. They are smiling

15 Out-of-the-Ordinary Journeys to School

Here’s a look at some of the great lengths children around the world are going to every day to get themselves to the classroom.

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A pastor of a church in Nicaragua wears a pink button-down shirt and smiles as he sits next to two smiling young boys

How Does Sponsorship Help Kids Emotionally?

Poverty places children at physical risk, but it also places them at risk of damage within. It robs them of the belief that they matter, that they have value and that they can dream of — and achieve — a different future. Breaking down destructive thought patterns and helping children see themselves for who they really are — beloved by God and capable of changing their circumstances — is vital to helping them break free from emotional poverty. But it isn’t easy.

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