Freely Receive, Freely Give
The testimony to 1.2 million Compassion children is this: If you and your family and your friends believe in Jesus, eventually your country will be blessed like Korea, and you will be able to give just as much as you have received.
Who’s the Beneficiary?
Loving involves a two-way process of giving and receiving. Even though we have been called to be ministers and leaders, we cannot always be strong. We cannot always give.
An Action of Love
As the woman shared her tragedy through her tears, the implementer handed her the plastic bag that was in her hand. Inside was a chicken, ready to be cooked.
Like a Sheep
Despite the sheep’s vulnerability, it is not afraid because its security is not in its own skills but in being near its shepherd, who keeps it safe.
Give Them Something to Eat
Chantal stared down at her feet, so afraid. Her frail hand held on tightly to the girl standing next to her. She couldn’t have been more than 6 years old.
What We Learn from Ants
If you have ever seen an African anthill against a backdrop of one of those stunning African sunsets, you will realize that King Solomon was onto something when he challenged people to learn from the ants.
Create WOW Moments
Have you known the joy of receiving a note from a friend, just because they wanted to let you know they were praying for you?
Community is More Than a Dream
Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote that He who loves his dream of a community more than the Christian community itself becomes a destroyer of the latter. His words remind us that unity is more than a dream.
How a Meal Develops Companionship
Jesus’ act of sharing a meal gave the men on the road to Emmaus more than just information; it gave them a new relationship that spurred them to further faith and action.
One In Spirit at Compassion
We need men and women who are one in spirit and who share our vision and mission.
Oneness: A Place of Genuine Encouragement
God and the people encouraged Joshua. The biggest encouragement for anyone is confirmation from God and the people around him.
The Power of a Mother’s Positive Influence
Sometimes, the only thing we need to become shining stars is somebody to value us and believe that we can do it.