abiding in the vine

Abiding in the Vine

Jesus warns us that no matter how much we have struggled, perspired, and inspired, we simply must remain in the vine. He is the true vine, the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6).

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Wolfgang Riedner with a group of children

Ministry Insider: Wolfgang Riedner and Qavah

Wolfgang Riedner was born in Nuremberg, Germany, and spent five years as a pastor in southern Germany before he moved to Uganda to teach in Bible colleges. He now serves as Compassion’s Church Partnership Director.

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Like a Palm Tree

God compares us with many things: salt, mustard, light. In Psalm 92, we are compared to palm trees. Why does He do this?

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being obedient to god

Obedience: The Key to Our Success

Both obedience and disobedience to the Lord greatly affect our destiny and even that of our dependents and those we serve.

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obedience to god

Unity and Obedience

In Exodus 24, the Israelites may not have agreed on the details, but they chose to agree on one basic thing: obedience.

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group of children praying

Chosen Before We Were Born

God told Jeremiah, “I chose you before you were born.”

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salt and light verse

Give Me Back My Church

The assumption that “more churches + more Christians = more impact” is not always true.

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story of nehemiah

Let’s Reconstruct our Nations

God is greater than any problem or challenge on the face of the earth. Nehemiah worshiped and praised God for who He is and brought an impossible situation to the God of possibilities.

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rest in jesus

Resting in Jesus

Jesus knows how hard it is to keep up with the demands of your day. But He also knows the importance of rest.

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group of smiling happy children posing for the camera with raised hands and peace signs

What Are You Holding Onto?

Have you ever asked yourself what inspires you? Those are the things we can hold onto for inspiration.

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weathering the storm

Courage in the Storm

Sometimes, in the midst of any kind of storm in our lives, we start to wonder if there is any possibility we will come out alive.

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equipped to serve

Equipped to Serve

During the supper, Jesus prepared Himself to wash His disciples’ feet. He did this because He knew what was coming.

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