Rosario Shares Love

Every time Rosario enters a class she is received with an explosion of hugs and kisses from her little ones.

“Since I was young I dreamed to be surrounded by children, because I am the youngest in my family and I used to tell God that I wanted to work with children.”

One day the pastor told her about the child development center and the children, and her curiosity took her there.

“God’s mission is being accomplished, and He put us here so we could accomplish His mission and take care of the children. I wanted to have many children, I dreamed all of that and God listens to us, so when the pastor told me to come and help here, I loved the idea.”

Rosario is already three years in this ministry. She started as a tutor, and since last year she is the director of the student center. To work in the center is very special for her; it is a blessing.

When she started, she was in charge of 80 children, divided in two groups: 40 in the morning and 40 in the afternoon. Even though it was hard at the beginning, she felt a big support from the pastors and especially from the children.

“The children were loving, and I became fond of them very quickly. Little by little I got involved in this ministry. This is God’s dream; God’s Kingdom is for the children; so it’s in our hands to take care of them. I love my work I enjoy it every day. Every child has a special smile and they spread it to everybody.”


Rosario is convinced that through the child development center the children’s lives are being changed and through them their families have become a part of the church.

“The parents registered their children looking for support. Here the children have been learning about God and they take that knowledge to their homes, the parents come here and tell us: ‘now we pray before eating.'”

Rosario and her staff are always speaking with the children; they know when they are happy or a little sad. They are always encouraging them, and they visit the families to see where they live and to find out about their needs.

As an initiative, the director started two pray groups with the children’s moms. They meet twice a week. This way she is evangelizing the mothers.

She encourages the families too. some of them accept it but others reject it.

“We are here to persist always. motivations are them and helping them understand that their support to their children is very important.

And who else is actually a great support for every child is the child’s sponsor. The sponsors are a hope for the child. The children are very thankful for their sponsors, and they pray for them. They are able to satisfy their needs thanks to the help of a sponsor.”

Even though the sponsors don’t have the responsibility it came from their hearts to help the children without knowing them.”

Rosario hopes that one day all of the children would receive Christ in their hearts. That is the most important thing for her, and she would consider that a success in her work.

But she affirms that what Compassion’s program did and is doing to help the children, starting with their alimentation, their nutrition and in all the areas, is very important.

“They won’t ever forget this, and I won’t either, because with pride I share this wherever I go. I say that I work in a place where we really support the children.

I really love working here. Ssometimes we have too much pressure, but that passes, and we learn from that. I am living many new experiences here.”

Rosario’s dream is coming true. Now she is surrounded by almost 500 children from her student center, but in her heart she also has a dream for these children she loves so much.

“My dream for them is that the children from Compassion get to be presidents, to have important places in the country, so with the teachings we are giving them, in God’s way they could apply it; that is what our country needs. A Christian to direct our country . . . that is my dream.”

5 Comments |Add a comment

  1. Mike Stephens March 29, 2009

    Seems to always start with a dream!!! B/c often if not always a dream requires a lot of prayer and faith in God!!! A dream in itself is faith by definition “the substance of things hoped for” a dream is the only substance of something hoped for!!! And faith pleases God b/c we must believe HE exists and rewards those who earnestly seek HIM!!! Thanks for your work Rosario!!! And your DREAMS!!! I believe they will come true!!! B/c we serve an AWESOME GOD!!!

  2. Kees Boer December 30, 2008

    That would be awesome, Juli! I would love to see one of the Compassion children become the President of Bolivia. It would be an answer to prayer.


  3. Sara Benson December 30, 2008

    Rosario, We pray the same for your kids. That they would grow up knowing who they are in Christ and use their knowledge and their relationship with God to influence many people and help your country.

    God bless you in the work that you are doing and may you always see the fruit of your labor.

  4. Juli Jarvis December 30, 2008

    Yeah Rosario! You will no doubt have formerly sponsored children in high positions within the government some day — even as a President!

  5. Judith Tremblay December 30, 2008

    Always great to hear stories about the children, how their lives are being touched by Compassion–but also how it’s trickling out and affecting the adults that are around them, also, from student center workers to their parents.

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