World Malaria Day 2012

two women giving presentation on malaria prevention

As they toured a village in Uganda, they came upon a grave on a hillside of a man – a father, a husband, a friend, a son – prematurely taken from his family because of malaria. Malaria, a disease preventable with as little as a mosquito net and an elementary health education.

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Enter In

person comforting girl

Death. It’s such a difficult thing to try to talk about.

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people in church worshiping with arms raised

Where Is Gratitude in the Midst of Death?

How do you give thanks in the midst of overwhelming grief?

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group of children in taekwondo uniforms

Building Character and Discipline With Taekwondo

El Progreso is the home of a Taekwondo training center that is benefiting more than 250 children through a Complementary Intervention. This extraordinary activity is getting the attention of boys and girls and is a valuable tool that is helping to improve each child’s character.

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World Aids Day 2011

World AIDS Day 2011: Small Things vs. Big Things

How can something so tiny that it can only be seen through a microscope can cause irreversible damage to the human body? Yet, to date, over 33 million people—spread out on every continent—are struggling with a tiny little terrorist in their blood streams, attacking healthy cells, breaking down the person’s immunity…and no one knows how to stop it.

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Ashley Mays with her sponsored child

God’s Attention to Details is Mind-blowing

After a couple months I saw one little boy on the “longest waiting” list. His name was Brian. So I clicked for more information. That’s when God’s attention to detail totally blew my mind.

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Lacy looking over a man's shoulder.

Sponsorship Means Fewer Grande, Three-pump, No Water Chai Tea Lattes

Three great tragedies – death, separation, poverty – all in one week. I was down for the count, lost and overwhelmed. The world was too filled with grief, and my contribution wasn’t going to make a dent in it.

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That Letter You Need to Write

The message from Compassion International on my voice mail said, “Call right away.” I had a knot in my stomach. Something was wrong. Compassion does not call sponsors just to chat.

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mothers and their babies at a child survival program center

Please Pray for Mothers in the Child Survival Program

Would you join me in praying for all the mothers in the Child Survival Program, that they would give birth to healthy babies and accept the support and help they need?

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three people sitting on tombstones

Finding Purpose Among the Dead

Vilma chose to hope that she — a woman whom others look down upon because she lives in a cemetery and dropped out of school to clean houses at age 13 — has a purpose too.

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Young girl looking sad.

Rebuilding a Broken Heart

This week I received a letter from Ada, my 13-year-old sponsored girl in Honduras. Compassion had sent me a note a couple of months ago letting me know that her father had passed away.

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close up of small child

Grieving the Loss of a Sponsored Child

How do you say goodbye to a sponsored child who has died? Have you ever had to do that, or to say goodbye to another child in your life?

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