Let’s Get Praying for Our Sponsored Children

girls hugging and praying

Even when we don’t have a face-to-face relationship with our sponsored children, prayer can be such a tool in building that relationship. So for the next couple of months, let’s pray together, each weekend, for God’s working in these precious children’s lives.

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The Power of Prayer and a Loving Family

A girl in silhouette standing in front of a window

Gisele’s mother was a housemaid and prostitute when she conceived her. Gisele got very little care from her mother when growing up and on many nights would be locked up in the house alone.

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children sitting at table praying

Serving Selflessly

It is important to God that we serve one another selflessly, without dishonest gain, and care for each other voluntarily, without exercising dominion over others because of leadership positions.

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group of adults praying

Faith Test

Many of us think we “know” what faith means. When it is time to put our faith in action, however, it’s another story.

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man plowing field behind cattle

Are You Ignoring Their Prayer Requests?

My sponsored child asks me to pray for his studies and please pray for rain for the crops. I toss the letter on the couch and move on with my day. I’ve read it all before and as a city girl the request for rain means little to me.

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That Letter You Need to Write

The message from Compassion International on my voice mail said, “Call right away.” I had a knot in my stomach. Something was wrong. Compassion does not call sponsors just to chat.

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mothers and their babies at a child survival program center

Please Pray for Mothers in the Child Survival Program

Would you join me in praying for all the mothers in the Child Survival Program, that they would give birth to healthy babies and accept the support and help they need?

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young girl at desk studying

A Safe Haven for Children

Shortly after joining the sponsorship program, Rediet and her sister realized that the child development center was their safe haven where they could enjoy their childhood and forget the misery they witnessed at home.

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group of men sitting on the ground praying

God Hasn’t Given Up on You

God hasn’t given up on you. So don’t give up on Him. Wait on Him and on His appointed time.

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National Day of Prayer 2011

Today is the National Day of Prayer in the U.S. How has the power of prayer changed your life?

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two boys sitting on dock

You’re More Than a Sponsor

You are more than a sponsor. You are an answer to prayer, a vital helping hand, a voice of hope, a mentor and a friend.

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boy holding metal hoop

How Do You Stay in Your Child’s World?

As a Compassion sponsor I don’t want to only connect with my child when I get a reminder from Compassion. I want to be a sponsor who consistently prays for her children.

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