Why Are Names Important? A Biblical Perspective

the importance of names

Names are important. They have power. They define us. They’re more than a bunch of letters grouped together to sound pleasant to the ear. Names are more than a convenience allowing us to talk to each other. Names are a gift from God. They contain His power. They define things. They define us.

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Incredible Facts About Compassion I Didn’t Know Before Interning Here

Warda, in a yellow scarf and green hat, is standing in front of laundry hanging on clotheslines outside her home.

As a sponsor for three years and counting, I thought I had a pretty good grasp on Compassion’s mission and how it works to achieve that mission. But when I started working at Compassion as an intern this summer, I began to realize that there was still a lot I didn’t know! I have since learned several facts about Compassion’s ministry that I just wasn’t aware of before.

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A woman and three children sit in front of an orange wall.

Miracle Triplets Say “Thank You” for Their New Home!

Together with friends across Australia, Canada and the United States, your support provided a safe and secure home for single mother Annet and her miraculous triplets just in time for their fourth birthday! A year and a half down the track, we check in on the triplets.

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A group of children in Honduras smile for the camera.

3 Ways the World Has Changed for Children in 30 Years

This year, Compassion joins other humanitarian and child-focused organizations around the world to celebrate a landmark: the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. A convention might sound a little boring, but this historic meeting laid out the human rights that apply to all children. We have a lot to celebrate about the progress children’s rights have made in the last 30 years. We’d like to highlight three ways things have changed in the past 30 years for children.

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A baby in a white dress leans on the back of a chair and smiles, looking to the side. In the background is a brown couch and a wall covered in newspapers.

Celebrating the Most Significant Birthday in the World!

We first introduced you to these three babies and their moms last year. Now they are celebrating a huge milestone. Enjoy their adorable birthday pictures, and find out why this milestone is so significant!

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Meet the Midwives Saving the Most Vulnerable Babies in the World

Meet the Midwives Saving the Most Vulnerable Babies in the World

Women living in extreme poverty sometimes lack access to hospitals and health care centers — so they rely on midwives to deliver their babies safely. Meet the inspiring midwives ensuring that the poorest moms receive care.

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New Moms First Six Months

New Moms: Celebrating the First Six Months With Love

For the second installment of our New Moms series, catch up with new moms, Juliet, Kate and Rahuma and their adorable 6-month-old daughters as they continue their journey toward their first year in our Survival Program.

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3 New Moms Get the Chance to Have a First Hello

New Moms: 3 Mothers Get the Chance to Have a First Hello

Each day, more than 7,200 babies die from preventable causes — from premature birth and delivery complications to dehydration, diarrhea and disease. But we know it doesn’t have to be that way! Meet three brave new mothers in Uganda and their adorable babies who were given hope and the precious chance at their “first hello.”

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Help These Miracle Triplets Have the Best Birthday Ever Build a Home

Help These Miracle Triplets Have the Best Birthday Ever!

Annet is an awe-inspiring single mother of triplets who needs your help. After delivering one baby, she rushed to a hospital on a motorbike where she unexpectedly delivered two more! Abandoned by her husband, she is raising these precious miracles alone. And her family desperately needs a safe home.

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Help Support Mompreneurs in Poverty This Giving Tuesday

Help Support Mompreneurs in Poverty This Giving Tuesday

Through life-skills training and microloans, mothers in the Child Survival program are learning that poverty is not their destiny. Meet some of the mompreneurs using their God-given potential and capacity to build a strong future for their children.

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close up of woman holding two babies

Family Planning in the Developing World

Women around the world face obstacles that most of us can hardly begin to fathom. Lack of access to family planning leaves mothers in developing countries with no easy way to control the size of their families, and in the end, robs both the mother and her children of a better life.

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little girl coloring

Child Survival Program: Building Trust and a Better Tomorrow

The question to measure the success of interventions to the poor is, “Did the person delivering the service and the person receiving the service build trust in each other?”

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