These 8 People Prove You Can’t Quarantine Kindness

A girl sits by a globe, holding a picture of a girl

This post is dedicated to you … to all of you out there being salt and light in your own communities and to children living in poverty around the world. Keep reading for inspiring ways Compassion supporters like you are giving back to their communities during this challenging time.

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Interrupting Your Feed With Some GOOD NEWS

A girl in a pink dress washes her hands outside.

In the midst of all the news about COVID-19, we need stories of hope. Here are some of the most joy-sparking stories we’ve heard in the last two weeks!

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This Is What Happens When Child Sponsorship Equips Pastors

This Is What Happens When Child Sponsorship Equips Pastors

Pastors from our local church partners around the world share seven surprising things your support makes possible and the lasting impact they are able to make when they are equipped by child sponsorship.

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Compassion Sunday: Why Your Faith Should Make You Sweat a Little

Why Your Faith Should Make You Sweat a Little Bit

Our culture praises comfort and ease. With online shopping, pre-made dinners and social media, it would be entirely possible to live our lives without ever leaving the comfort of our own homes. I know, I know … that’s extreme, but the reality is that fewer and fewer of my friends are willing to take risks.

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Empower a Church

How Your Church Can Empower a Church in Poverty

Each year when Compassion Sunday rolls around, I get so excited at the thought of churches all over the country rallying together to speak on behalf of children in poverty. But until I met Pastor Larry in the Philippines, I never considered the impact of Compassion Sunday on the churches in developing countries around the world.

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