What Does “A Man After My Own Heart” Mean?

While the phrase “a man after my own heart” has grown to be a common idiom, it originates in the Bible. Let’s take a look at what it means to be a person after God’s heart, like King David in the Bible, and what it can teach us about helping children living in poverty.
Continue Reading ›A Call to Prayer for Ukraine — My Country, My Home

My whole world came to a halt the moment I read the news of Russia’s invasion of my homeland. I scrambled for my phone to contact friends and family in Kyiv and southwest Ukraine, praying that they were safe. Tears filled my eyes as I thought of my niece — the child I held in my arms when she was just a baby. A temporary sense of relief washed over me when I received word, one-by-one, that each person I know was safe — for now.
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12 Heart-Melting Pictures of Kids With Their Animal Buddies
These pictures of kids with animals are cute, of course. But they also show how animals help people in poverty.

5 Children in South America Share What They’re Thankful For
It’s always so touching to hear what children in poverty feel thankful for. They live with less than most people, but their gratitude overflows. It helps put things in perspective and reminds us to give praise in all circumstances!

Musician Mike Donehey Shares Why (and How) He Writes to the Kids He Sponsors
Most people know Mike Donehey for his singing and songwriting. But the children Mike sponsors know him for another reason: his letters of encouragement.
Mike has been sponsoring children through Compassion since 2000, when he chose his first child at a music festival.

How Salt Saved the Day in This Indonesian Village
Salt is a highly sought-after commodity in the Indonesian village where Filia lives. Her father, Bagus, leads and mentors an income generation program for new farmers, initiated and funded by the local Compassion center.

Why Periods Are No Longer a Red Light
For millions of girls around the world, menstruation brings shame, confusion and stigma. Discover how girls in Brazil, Honduras, Sri Lanka and Togo are finding education and empowerment with Compassion’s support.

Displaced Haitians Grateful for the Gift of Life
Since much of their home collapsed in the Aug. 14 earthquake, Sony and his family have been spending nights in the courtyard of a Compassion partner church. The church has provided tents and sleeping mats for displaced families like Sony’s.
“It’s unsafe to stay inside the house now as we are getting aftershocks on a regular basis,” says Sony, whose daughters Sandra and Samantha are in Compassion’s program at the church where they are now camping.

5 Christian Innovators Helping Solve an Education Crisis
It takes more than a global pandemic to stop these innovators from taking action. Since the start of lockdowns, children in Latin America have lost an average of 158 school days, according to UNICEF. The crisis is serious, but so are the innovators. These heroes from Central and South America are using creative solutions to serve their neighbors in the midst of COVID-19.

Tender Conversations With Children and Their Fathers
Compassion photojournalists Javier Elis in Guatemala and J. Sangma in Bangladesh sat down to ask children and fathers about their mutual love, dreams and memories. Here are some sweet quotes from their interviews.

A Wedding Surprise Highlights Her Incredible Sponsorship Story
For an unsuspecting family in Colombia celebrating a wedding rehearsal dinner, a single word was powerful enough to bring every member to tears: “Sorpresa!”
Wondering what the surprise could be, the family turned to see the last person they could have expected: the Compassion sponsor of the groom, Mateo. For eight months, sponsor Kristen had been regretfully telling Mateo and his family that she wouldn’t be able to make a trip to Colombia for his wedding. But what they didn’t know was that she was determined to be there — and Compassion staff were helping to make it a surprise.

Enjoy This Hot Cross Buns Recipe and Inspirational Easter Devotional
This Good Friday, our friends at Compassion UK put together a beautiful recipe for easy-to-make hot cross buns paired with an Easter devotional. Once you’ve made your buns, settle down to reflect on the Easter message — and learn about the history of hot cross buns!