“Jonah!” they all said together. It was a Level 3 group of children (9 to 11 years old) from a student center, and someone had just asked them which biblical character was swallowed by a whale.
In Guatemala, we are encouraged to visit the student centers, and believe me, it does not take much to entice us to be part of an experience that always changes our lives.

David, one of the little kids from that group, knows a lot about the Bible. He always amazes visitors there, just as Jesus did at that age seated among the teachers in the temple.
It’s incredible how we influence these children to know and take ownership of the Holy Scriptures, which will not depart from them when they grow up. Many of them do not have Christian parents who provide a proper environment for their children to read the Bible at this important time in their lives.
For this reason, we emphasize God’s Word in the curriculum at the student centers. The tutors who impart the Word to the children are a blessing to the program and the beneficiaries.
Most of the time, my work is done within the ministry office in Guatemala, but I am very pleased to know that thousands of children in my country, through the work of the student center staff, are able to know that the same Jesus who died for me also died for them.
“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” —Proverbs 22:6
Prayer: Dear God, give wisdom to the tutors and staff who work in our student centers around the world, so that they can transmit and teach your Word. Amen.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Daniel Lopez works as an IT Specialist in Guatemala.
Read all the One in Spirit devotionals.
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Great reminder, I hope that we all pray for wisdom for everyone.