Moving the Army of God to Care for a Child

In our positions as priests, servants, or soldiers in the army of God, we can protect our children from the reality of violence, poverty, and abuse — if we have the presence of God with us.
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The Bible teaches us that “to humans belong the plans of the heart, but from the Lord comes the proper answer of the tongue” (Proverbs 16:1).
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With One Resolve
Many of the acts of Jesus were never recorded, but the healing of the lame man is found in three of the four gospels.

His Grace: My Doorway to Compassion Ministry
Compassion is my name, my pride, my rope, and my hope for many. Joyous? Yes. Blessed? Indeed, just because of His grace.

We Need to Be Kids Again
It was not for nothing that Jesus used the example of children to show the spiritual receptivity needed to enter His kingdom.

Love and the Fiber Mat
The fiber mat was an act of love from one child to another. The memories of this wave of love in a remote village school will never be forgotten.

One and Being One
“One” means solitary, yet in contrast, “being one” means united in purpose. Individuality gives us an identity, but identifying to a common purpose takes extra effort, sacrificing individual identity to work toward common good.

Kindness at Work
Kindness and gentleness should mark all of our words, attitudes, and actions as Christians. Jesus is the epitome of kindness. We are called to be kind to one another.

Compassion Clothing
Thirty years ago I went to Brazil as a short-term missionary with five other young adults. Little did I know how much that one decision would shape the rest of my life.

Faith Test
Many of us think we “know” what faith means. When it is time to put our faith in action, however, it’s another story.

“Lord, If You Had Come Earlier”
Jesus is quick to remind us and to demonstrate that it is never too late for God.

Miracles of God
People may have the same purposes and goals, but it is the journey that determines the strength of a vision.