God’s Will for Us

orphans and widows

The simple call to practice pure and undefiled religion is to serve “the least of these,” and in doing so, we are dead-center in God’s call for our lives.

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Tears are a gift from God because they help us live without any facades. We are seldom more real and truthful than in the moments when our tears flow.

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Two ladies in an office.

The Gift of Our Work

You and I have been gifted with an incredible blessing from the Lord. Today as you go about your work, be mindful of the amazing gift that you have been given.

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A Spirit of Power and Love

Seeing how hard poverty hits those who have the least can rob you of peace. Does fear ever stop you from doing something?

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loaves and fishes story

They Have Something

In Jesus’ time, children were not appreciated by society. Children and women were of such little value that the story of the feeding of the multitude mentions only five thousand men, overlooking the women and children completely.

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Stress Relief

Psalm 23 is loved by Jews and Christians alike. When you consider that Muslims also read the Old Testament, that means that the majority of the world’s population recognizes this passage as somehow important.

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child kneeling in prayer

In the Shadow of the Almighty

No matter how our shelters are designed, what kind of materials they are made of, where they are located, how much they are secured, or who lives in them, there is no guarantee they will give us safety, as we live in a world of so many uncertainties.

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The God Over All Gods

Have you considered that our God is the one true God? Have you considered what that means?

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five people standing a kitchen

The Satisfaction of Serving

The Ministry Services department in Bolivia asked themselves, ” How can we serve our church partners in some other way than what we normally do every day?”

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all about jesus

It’s Jesus!

People join organizations with different motives. However, as they start working, they sometimes realize that their motives for joining do not drive them to their desired goals.

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three people standing in circle, holding hands and praying

Staying Attached

Sometimes, it’s easy to fall more in love with doing the ministry than with the one who called us. And it’s easy to get tired or burned out doing the routine or difficult tasks.

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Wess Stafford clapping hands

He Shall Direct Your Paths

If you will love God with your whole heart and trust fully in Him, He will direct you. He wants to use your gifts and experiences to accomplish His perfect plan for your life. Where will loving God lead you?

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