A Strong Partnership Is About Relationships
Partnering between the resource-rich part of the Church and the resource-poor part of the Church is not something particularly new or noble. It is just what we should do. It is simply what Paul asked the early Church to do.
Does Compassion Meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals?
Many of the SDGs directly parallel what Compassion does. When it comes to goals and implementation, though, we sometimes take a different approach. Here are the SDGs that most closely match our work, along with ways they overlap and differ.
What is Partnership?
Partnership is at the center of what we do at Compassion — we not only partner with you, our sponsors and donors, but also with the local church around the world. So it’s worth understanding what we mean by partnership and how we do it.
Compassion International is a Child Development Organization
The difference between being a child sponsorship organization and a child development organization is subtle … but significant.
Compassion Internship: A Summer Well Spent
Five summer interns share the highlights of their experience at Compassion and the impact of working to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name.
Nothing But Trust
Why should you trust Compassion International with the child you sponsor? Summer Intern Julie Willian shares her journey of first-time sponsorship.
The Making of an Entrepreneur
When a teenage entrepreneur is given the right opportunities to develop, his microenterprise changes the futures of both his family and his community.
A Mother’s Hope
Has your sponsored child ever called you Mom, Dad, Auntie or Uncle? Someone recently asked me if I thought it was demeaning to parents for their child to be sponsored by someone across the world. Does it make them feel inadequate, like they’re not fit to be parents? Maybe this thought has crossed your mind as well.
Kenyan Resiliency: Wounded but Unbowed
In the aftermath of the al-Shabab terrorist attack on Garissa University College, Kenyans have displayed powerful love in tangible ways. Standing in long lines to give blood for the wounded, comforting the grieving, providing supplies for the impacted families and contributing money. One of the most loving and brave things the Kenyans are doing is not surrendering to fear, but choosing life instead.
Carry Your Sponsored Child with You with Compassion International’s Mobile App
Now available for iPhone and Android, the new free Compassion app puts your sponsored child’s picture, biographical details (hobbies, chores, family life, etc.), and information about their church and child development center at your fingertips. It’s now easier than ever to connect with the child you sponsor. Here are just a few of the new features!
The Power of Pity
Pity is a feeling many of us have when we come face-to-face with the misfortunes of others — with those whom we perceive to have less than us. We feel pity when we see things we don’t understand. We feel pity when we feel helpless to act. Many people, myself included, feel pity but that’s as far as it goes. Pity can sometimes stop action from happening.
World Day of Social Justice: To Save His People
Being born in America, eating every day all day any day, being able to read and write, going to university. If you can say yes to any of these you are the minority in this world. You have influence.