How to Crush Boredom Together as a Family

Family Activities: How to Crush Boredom Together as a Family

If you’re a family who confronts boredom with either planning or panic, look no further. Here are a few family activities to crush boredom together.

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Keeping Our Head Above Water

head above water well

Most families in Africa don’t have enough water to take baths every day. They must boil water for drinking, cooking or brushing their teeth, and they hand-wash all their clothes. For the poorest families, even fuel to boil their water can be too expensive. Learn about being a part of the solution in our Fall Compassion Magazine.

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young boy sitting on ground reading

5 More Ways God Wants You To Rest

God is honored by our hard work but as our Creator, He knows we need rest from tasks that make us tired, challenges that demand our energy and concerns that cause stress.

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iPad image of child

Expand Your World with Our New iPad Magazine

Magazines are fantastic. But, living in this digital age, more and more of us are opting for electronic versions of our favorite reads. And because we want to meet you where you ‘live,’ we created something special — the Compassion iPad magazine!

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two people walking in garbage dump

My Mountaintop Experience

I’ve been to the crummiest, smelliest and most depressing communities around the Philippines, so I thought that climbing up a pile of trash wouldn’t be any different.

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From Diamonds to Rectangles

Giving back to the community has become chic for many who are in the public eye and have the resources to do so, but for St. Louis Cardinals first baseman Albert Pujols, it isn’t about what’s fashionable or what looks good. It’s about being faithful to a God, Who has given him much, and helping the children he loves in his native Dominican Republic.

As Albert steps off one of Major League Baseball’s many well-manicured baseball diamonds, he often finds himself stepping onto the dusty streets of the Dominican Republic. But he’s not coming to play baseball, nor is he coming to instill in the children who live the way he once lived a love of the game he is now famous for.

His mission is to provide to those who are less fortunate something we in the United States take for granted – rectangular mattresses to sleep on.

two men carrying a mattress

For many of the world’s poor in places such as the Dominican Republic, a mattress isn’t a necessity: It’s a luxury. For Albert, this is a tangible and lasting way to use baseball as a ministry in his homeland. Through his partnership with Compassion, he is able to provide to those less fortunate something that will last for months and years to come.

But it’s not just mattresses that Albert is providing to the people of the Dominican Republic. To find out what else he’s doing, read his story in the summer issue of Compassion Magazine.

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