How Do You Make Your Sponsored Child Part of Your Daily Life?

Many of the children in our program think about their sponsor as an extension of their family. Maybe you feel the same way about the child you sponsor. You know you want to pray for him or her daily and write letters often. And through those actions and your financial gifts, you’ll no doubt make a powerful impact on your sponsored child’s life. But … you feel the need to do more. You want to incorporate your sponsored child into your daily life as much as possible. The question is: How?
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Sponsoring these children was initially my idea as a mom, but these relationships have become a family affair – and we’re all better off for it.
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What Is Child Sponsorship, Really?
Child sponsorship is about participation. Sponsoring a child is an exciting, humbling, invested experience that really is changing the world — one life at a time. #SponsorChange

I Still Have You
In a world where texting, tweeting and re-tweeting have become all but the norm, four simple words delivered the “old fashioned way” humbled one sponsor: “I still have you.”

Never Too Old
One of Satan’s biggest lies is that we are too young for God to use us. When we are older, Satan will also try to tell us that we are too old to be used by God.

An Inside Look: Correspondence at Compassion
Since implementing the new online letter writing tool, we receive about 7,000 web letters each day compared to the 1,000 or so we received daily before the tool was implemented.

Changes to Our Letter-Writing Process
To help you feel more closely connected with your child, we’re implementing four changes to our correspondence process in the next year.

I Want to Be Part of Something Bigger
God doesn’t want me stuck, and I don’t want to be stuck either! I want to be faithful in my little piece of world, but I also want to be a part of something bigger.

The Real Ministry of Child Sponsorship Lies in Letter Writing
If you can afford to sponsor a child but, for any of several reasons, know that you will not correspond faithfully, please do the part that you can do and ask Compassion to find someone to do the other part.