How to Pray with Compassion on This National Day of Prayer

This Thursday, May 2, is the National Day of Prayer. Prayer is a critical part of Compassion’s ministry. We believe it is key in releasing children from poverty! As the National Day of Prayer approaches, we want to not only pray for our country, but for the countries around the world where Compassion works. Will you join us in this effort?
Continue Reading ›10 Prayers of Children That Will Melt Your Heart

The prayers of children are ever so simple yet ever so profound.
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4 Creative Ways to Pray for the Child You Sponsor
If your prayers are starting to lose weight and emotion, these NEW ideas on how to pray for the child you sponsor will help you deepen your talks with God.

De-Childproofing Checklist: How to Welcome Children in Your Life
When you welcome a child into your life, you can forever change theirs. But where should you start? Here are some simple “de-childproofing” tips to help!

QUIZ: How are You Uniquely Wired to Help People in Poverty?
We’re all specially gifted to serve others in our own creative ways. This quiz will reveal how you’re uniquely wired to help people in poverty!

I Thank My God Every Time I Remember You
Do you have someone in your life who prays for you? A parent or a best friend who regularly cries out on your behalf? Now let’s flip that. Do you have someone in your life who you pray for? Where does the child you sponsor fit in that equation?

5 Ways to Build a Relationship With the Child You Sponsor
The relational aspect of sponsorship is not just important in getting people to become sponsors. It is important throughout the sponsorship journey because love is best shown in a relational context.

How to Pray for the Child You Sponsor
Standing there in my kitchen, reading those words, I felt both the burden and privilege of praying for sweet Bilha. The joy that she trusts me enough to ask for my prayers. The guilt that I don’t pray often enough.

Ask Jimmy: Leadership Development, Gifts and Prayer
What changes are in the works for our Leadership Development Program and how can you best meet the needs of the child you sponsor? Find out in the last part of the “Ask Jimmy” blog series.

The Instagram Prayers of Sponsors
One Instagram photo sparked an outpouring of likes and comments like we’ve never seen – and the passionate prayers of Compassion sponsors.

Always Pray, Don’t Give Up
Winston Churchill was not known for being a spiritual man. But even this world-renowned leader who led Britain’s fight against the then seemingly unstoppable might of Hitler’s military admitted to praying, saying the practice “comforted him” in times of crisis and danger. I find this fact interesting because it demonstrates God’s design of the human being. God made every person — believer and non-believer alike— to have a natural inclination to reach out to Him, especially in times of trouble. So if this is the case, why don’t we, as Christians, do it more often? Or why is reaching out to God in prayer more often than not our last resort than our first?

How To Pray With Kids About Crisis
We know Jesus’ call to love our neighbor isn’t only for adults, but how do we include kids in praying for children in crisis? Most children in late preschool to elementary years are concrete thinkers so, when you invite them to pray, start with two things they know they themselves need.